I have as what people consider a “muffin top and thunder thighs” and I’m 19. I’ve been made fun of all my life for being bigger. I’ve changed my diet, exercised, took several different pills and diet plans. I’m at the point where every morning i wake up I’m disgusted by my body and some days don’t want to get out of bed. Would liposuction be a good idea? I’m considered obese for my height and age.
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Dr. Roberta Gartside wrote on :
I understand how you must feel having been in practice for over twenty years and first I would like to recommend that you discuss weight issues with your primary care physician ( internist or gynecologist). It sounds like you have tried a number of things but I do not know whether any have been supervised by your physician or another healthcare provider to help you with lifestyle changes. In terms of liposuction, you would need to be evaluated but liposuction falls into the category of body contouring surgery. These procedures reshape the area of concern. They are not for weight control. Please schedule to speak with a board certified plastic surgery about your options.