I lost 12 lbs post ultherapy treatment. at 2 months post treatment. will this have a permanent bad effect? I had like a 80% result before the wt. loss. now it is more like 10-20%!! is this permanent?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Robert Wilcox wrote on :

    It is difficult to say without more information. How much did you weigh before the 12# weight loss? How tall are you? In general, the results of Ultherapy improve for 6 months. However, if the 12 pounds is a significant percentage of your earlier weight, the sagging will likely persist. This is why we wait until after a significant weight loss before doing a face lift or breast lift. Tell your doctor your concerns.
    I hope this has been some help.
    Robert D. Wilcox, MD

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