I am 50 years old, breastfed my 3 children and now have very saggy non dense (according to my recent mammogram) breast. I am considering augmentation. My question is, will I still have nipple sensitivity?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Rod Rohrich wrote on :

    In most instances breast augmentation will not interfere with nipple sensitivity. It all depends upon the size of the implant, the placement of the incision, and the expertise of the Board Certified Plastic Surgeon performing the operative procedure. One could have some decrease or increase of nipple sensation or even loss of nipple sensation depending on these factors, but it is usually under 5% even in the hands of a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.

  2. Dr. Sam Sukkar wrote on :

    Based on the information and way you have desired your breast, it sounds as if you will need a Breast Lift procedure to reposition your breast in a higher, more youthful place on your chest wall. Combining this procedure with a Breast Augmentation will get you a great result. You will need to discuss you goals and have a consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to ensure you are a candidate.
    As far as nipple sensation, alterations are a risk with surgery however most patients have normal sensation return 3-6 months after your procedure.

    All the best!

    Sam M. Sukkar, MD, FACS

  3. Dr. Dustin Reid wrote on :

    Hello. That is an excellent question. One of the risks of breast augmentation is an alteration in nipple sensation. However, the majority of patients go on to have normal sensation after this surgery. One thing to consider: it sounds from your description like you may also need a breast lift. You should discuss your goals with a board certified plastic surgeon. They will be able to help you determine what will work best to give you the results that you desire. Good luck!

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