I am a 20 year old female looking for liposuction or some sort of fat eliminating procedure. Is it wise to go this route? I’ve exercised and ate healthy but I never get any results.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Sam Sukkar wrote on :

    Great question!
    If you are living a healthy lifestyle and cannot seem to address these areas with proper diet and exercise, liposuction is a great surgical procedure to reduce volume or fatty tissue in bothersome areas. My patients get an excellent result with liposuction. You will need to meet with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to ensure you are a candidate for liposuction to the specified areas.

    CoolSculpting could potentially be a option for you if you are looking to have a non-surgical procedure. Ensure that your provider sets realist expectations for your post treatment results. Most patients will need 2+ treatments to each area, expecting about 15-20% improvement with each treatment.

    All the best!

    Sam M. Sukkar, MD, FACS

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