tenaj SAID:

Would you recommend getting a LifeStyle Lift or would it be a better investment to just go for the full face lift?

On: December 20, 2012
To doctors from: VA

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Roberta Gartside wrote on :

    Consulting with a Board Certified surgeon is the best place to start. Facelifts cover a board variety of surgeries from neck liftts, to traditional facelifts to Endoscopic Brow lifts, etc One surgery is not necessarily better that the next but the goals and expectation do vary. One cannot expect the results or longevity of a facelift from a mini facelift. That being said, you need to consider you own goals and have a discussion as to which procedure will best suit you.

  2. A Doctor wrote on :

    Hi Janet,
    I am the founder of FOF and although I’m not a doctor, I am going to refer you to the interview I did with one of the participating doctors on the site from New York, Dr. Rosenblatt. http://faboverfifty.com/uplifting-news-blog?unbs=1&unb_location=&unb_topic=82 I would never have a LifeStyle Lift after learning about it from the doctor and reading authoritative articles about it.

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