VioletteChef SAID:

I have had dark under eye circles for what seems like all my life. I first noticed them in college, I’m now in my early fifties.
I’ve have used lightening lotions and gels( Hydroquinone based formulations) for the last 15 years or so with excellent results on the rest of my face–but not the under eye discoloration. Is there other treatment
options–I read a brief blurb somewhere about laser treatment, but haven’t had
success finding a board certified plastic
surgeon or dermatologist who does this type of treatment.

On: December 27, 2012
To doctors from: NY

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Kevin Tehrani wrote on :

    Dear Paulette,
    You may be a candidate for lower eyelid Fraxel laser treatments or a pigment peel in this region. Moreover, occasionally shadowing caused by excess skin or concavity of your cheeks region maybe the cause of the issue. Please come in for consultation to evaluate your candidacy.

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