I have always wondered how expensive it would be to tatoo my eyelids above my eye and below and to tatoo my eyebrows as they are miniscule . Could you please give me an idea who would do this and how much?
Aestheticians and some dermatologists and plastic surgeons offices do this. Estheticians are less expensive but cannot numb the eye – pigment is more superficial. Cost varies by region so call offices in Maryland. Eyeliner pigment is usually dark brown and very long lasting. Brow pigment is complex and fades easily. It needs touching up every 2 years.
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Dr. Elizabeth Morgan wrote on :
Aestheticians and some dermatologists and plastic surgeons offices do this. Estheticians are less expensive but cannot numb the eye – pigment is more superficial. Cost varies by region so call offices in Maryland. Eyeliner pigment is usually dark brown and very long lasting. Brow pigment is complex and fades easily. It needs touching up every 2 years.