JudyJonesfitzgerald SAID:

I have lost 50 pounds and hope to lose 15 more , is plastic surgery the only way to get rid of lose skin. My thighs are the worse areas.

0 Answers

  1. A Doctor wrote on :

    Hi Judy,

    You might want to read the interview we did with one of Dr. Boynton’s patients–and her B&A photos. http://faboverfifty.com/plastic-surgeons/?p=1398


  2. Dr. James Boynton wrote on :

    Once someone has “loose” skin which is typically caused by weight gain followed by weight loss, it does not ever “bounce back” typically. Plastic surgery has a number of well-designed procedures that can remove these unwanted areas of loose skin in cosmetically well-concealed ways. More exercise won’t change it, nor will creams, potions, or lasers. Removing it is the best and really only way to achieve the improvement. I hope this helps!

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