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cdmtx65 SAID:

after a major weight-loss of 80 lbs my arms are flappy . what would you recommend and what is the ‘average’ cost ?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Charles Wallace wrote on :

    Congratulations on your weight loss! I would recommend a brachioplasty (armlift) which I perform by hiding the scar in the axillary (armpit) area. Liposuction is usually performed along with this procedure. At your consultation, I will be able to evaluate
    your individual needs. Our consultations are at no charge.

  2. Dr. James Boynton wrote on :

    Typically after that much weight loss I recommend a brachioplasty (arm lift) which includes some liposuction of the arms. In some cases liposuction alone is really all that you need. As far as cost, I would recommend you to my patient coordinator Gina Curtis for further information. I welcome you to come in for a consultation which is the best way to be fully evaluated and find out the best fit for each particular patient. I hope this helps and look forward to meeting with you soon!

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