jcoats SAID:

I’m a 49 year old female – 5’7 125 lbs. I have a little fat on my stomach, but a lot of cellulite looking dimply saggy skin above my belly button. (no kids). I have been told that I am not a candidate for a reverse tummy tuck b/c there isn’t enough fat. Would trusclupt and/or venus freeze procedures work for me?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Robert Buchanan wrote on :

    You are not a candidate for Trusculpt or Venus Freeze because of your excess skin. A reverse tummy tuck is rarely indicated in anyone because of blood supply issues. Without a picture or a direct examination it is hard to give you any further specific recommendations, however. Frequently, with problems like you describe, a standard tummy tuck is the procedure of choice. See a board certified plastic surgeon with significant experience in abdominal rejjuvenation. See http://www.PlasticSurgeryToday.com or http://www.Surgery.org for more information.

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