Pamela37 SAID:

What the best procedure for the jaw and neckline. I ‘m 54 and the jawline and neck are noticiably dropping.

On: November 29, 2012
To doctors from: IL

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Theodore Diktaban wrote on :

    There are many options to handle jaw and neckline conditions. The list includes nonsurgical heating devices, internal heating devices and facelift/necklift surgery. All of them have value provided you match up your expectations with what each one can deliver. There is one device that is minimally invasive called Sidelaze that heats the skin internally for skin contraction and can also melt the fat. It is just right for someone who needs some tightening and some fat reduction but really doesn’t need a facelift or doesn’t want a facelift. It is an office based procedure, mild relaxation with pills, no stitches and you walk out in an elastic chin strap. There will be some swelling and mild bruising. On the other hand, we all know facelifts have gotten a bad reputation because of the unnatural and overdone examples seen on television or in the media. Facelifts still works in the hands of reputable surgeons. The best thing for you is to be seen by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who can address your needs and help you choose the right path for you. Good luck.

  2. Dr. Theodore Diktaban wrote on :

    There are many options to handle jaw and neckline conditions. The list includes nonsurgical heating devices, internal heating devices and facelift/necklift surgery. All of them have value provided you match up your expectations with what each one can deliver. There is one device that is minimally invasive called Sidelaze that heats the skin internally for skin contraction and can also melt the fat. It is just right for someone who needs some tightening and some fat reduction but really doesn’t need a facelift or doesn’t want a facelift. It is an office based procedure, mild relaxation with pills, no stitches and you walk out in an elastic chin strap. There will be some swelling and mild bruising. On the other hand, we all know facelifts have gotten a bad reputation because of the unnatural and overdone examples seen on television or in the media. Facelifts still works in the hands of reputable surgeons. The best thing for you is to be seen by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who can address your needs and help you choose the right path for you. Good luck.

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