I would very much like to improve my look. I breastfed four babies (two years each). I am in good shape, at a healthy weight, youthful in appearance and spirit.
I would be using some savings for this gift to myself: 1)what are the real costs 2)is it dreaming to think I could afford a fantastic out-of-state plastic surgeon ?
I do not wish to use a surgeon in my area because of privacy concerns and a bit of embarrassment with the whole deal.
0 Answers
Dr. Brooke Seckel wrote on :
Congratulations on your decision to improve the appearance of your breasts. Studies have shown that breast enhancement have shown a higher satisfaction rates compared to all plastic surgeries, with rates between 93-98% of patients being happy with the results of their breast enhancement.
Your choice of your plastic surgeon is the most important decision that you will make. It is essential that you choose a board certified plastic surgeon and members of the ASPS are all board certified.
Most patients who have had children noticed that their breasts not only are smaller but have also sagged a condition called ptosis. If you have sagging in addition to volume loss then likely a breast lift plus implants will be required. However if you do not have significant sagging, and your nipple areola is above your inframammary crease then a procedure called a dual plane rest augmentation may be all that is required which will avoid the additional scarring of a breast lift.
It is not uncommon to seek consultation with the best plastic surgeon who is not in your immediate geographical area. However understand that close follow-up with your plastic surgeon is essential. If you choose a Dr. that would require flying on an airplane then you will need to be staying locally in the area where that Dr. practices for at least 10 days before flying after plastic surgery.
Breast implantation can cost about $7500 for very experienced plastic surgeons with excellent reputations. If a breast lift is added the cost can be increased to the $12,500-$15,000 range.
Good luck and I hope to have an excellent experience.
Dr. Patrick Sullivan wrote on :
The consultation with Dr. Sullivan would be $150.00 and this applies towards the surgery. Fees for this procedure usually run between $12000-$14000 for breast augmentation with a lift. We accept cash or check ( which is a 3 percent reduction), all major credit cards and financing through Care Credit that you can apply for on line or with us in our office at anytime.
I would be happy to help with a consultation at your convenience.
Thank you
Andrea DeSimone
Practice Manager to
Patrick K Sullivan MD
Dr. Joseph Fodero wrote on :
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for your interest in Northeastern Plastic Surgery. Dr.Fodero has over sixteen years of experience in plastic surgery and I am confident that he can help you. During your breast augmentation possible breastlift consultation you will discuss your desires and golas in detail. Dr.Fodero will go over with you any asymmetries or limitations of implants whivh vary in base diameter, projection, and shape. Dr.Fodero will help you to determine whch implant type will fit your body and provide you with the best cosmetic results.
An estimated fee for a breast augmentation/breast lift can range from $9,600-13,600. This estimate includes the implant fee, O.R. fee, Dr. fee as well as the anesthesia fee. In our 5,000 square foot state of the art facility includes a surgical center, so the majority of the procedures can be performed on the permises in a safe, comfortable, completely private seating. Please call the office at 973-295-6565 if you would like to schedule a free consultation or email me @ pgarcia@drfodero.com if you have any further questions.
Paula Garcia
Patient Care Coordinator
Northeastern Plastic Surgery
220 Ridgedale Ave
Florham Park, NJ 07932
Dr. Beverly Friedlander wrote on :
Hi Anonymous,
You are not alone in your concern for privacy. I have treated patients from as far north as Massachusetts and as far south as Florida for this very reason. In the absence of a face to face consultation it is difficult to estimate the cost of surgery or even the best procedure for you. Costs can range from $6000- for an augmentation alone to over $12000 to treat asymmetry and or droop with a lift and/or implant. I hope this information is helpful. I would be glad to provide a complimentary evaluation and provide you with more realistic numbers if you desire. You may find out more about me and view photos of my work by visiting my website at Doctorbev.com. Best of luck , Beverly Friedlander, MD
Dr. Neal Goldberg wrote on :
It sounds like you would do very well with either a breast lift , or a breast lift with an implant. Exactly how the surgery would be done could not be determined until you have come for an exam. This would also determine the fee. I would be happy to see you in the Scarsdale, NY office if you choose. Best of luck.
Dr. Elliot Jacobs wrote on :
Great questions — and my colleagues have provided excellent answers.
A breast uplift may required added volume (due to possible tissue loss during pregnancy, breast feeding, etc), which could be provided with a small implant.
You would be best served by visiting several board certified plastic surgeons and then choosing the one in whom you have the most trust and confidence. The fee, while important, should not be the deciding criteria. You will enjoy and appreciate the results of your surgery long after the fee is forgotten.
Good luck!
Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
Diplomate, American Board of Plastic Surgery
New York City
Dr. Malcolm Roth wrote on :
The costs vary, as you have already seen in some earlier posts. The range is approximately $6,000-$10,000, but that depends on some issues that cannot be determined without a personal consultation. I am the Chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery at Albany Medical Center in Albany, New York and have been in practice for 25 years. My experience with this type of surgery is extensive, and I have been named dozens of times in the Best Doctors surveys, both locally and nationally.
Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :
As a board-certified plastic surgeon, one of my main areas of excellence is cosmetic surgery of the breast. I offer a complimentary consultation where I will examine you, discuss your problem, show you pictures of the outcome you might expect, and outline what can be done. A lift may also require a breast implant. I cannot tell until I examine and measure you. The surgery is usually performed in our certified ambulatory office surgical suite. Patient privacy and confidentiality are always prime concerns.
After discussing the surgical treatment, my office manager will explain all fees. Any quote over the Internet will not be accurate, which is why I offer a free consultation. However, the approximate cost is between $6000 and $10000. This includes the surgery, implants if needed, the anesthesiologists fee, and a facility charge. My anesthesiologists are MDs not nurses, and I pride myself on the speedy recovery of my patients. I offer financing and accept all major credit cards.
I am a doubly board certified plastic surgeon (also in ear, nose, and throat surgery), have been in practice over 25 years, and specialize in cosmetic surgery. My breast work is highly regarded by my peers and patients. Both New York Magazine and Castle and Connolly’s How to Find The Best Doctors in New York have listed me as tops in my field. I am also included in the Top Surgeons in the United States. I am Past President of the Medical Society of the State of New York and of the New York Regional Plastic Surgery Society.
If you e-mailed me with your address, my staff will be happy to send you some information via mail. If you haven’t already done so, please check my web-site [www.WRMD.com] where you will find more information and photographs of my work. I am also listed on http://www.beastimplant411.com and http://www.breasthealthonline.com.
We would be happy to see you as a patient and look forward to your calling the office to set up a free consultation.
Consultations via SKYPE are available. If you are interested in using this technology, please contact my office manager Jackie ( jackie.drr@verizon.net ) to set up a time.
William B. Rosenblatt, MD
308 East 79th Street
Suite 1D
New York, NY 10075
212-570-6155 fax
Dr. Tito Vasquez wrote on :
These are all great questions. You would need likely a breast lift (mastopexy) with or without implants. The cost of the surgery all related costs (facility, anesthesia, garment, followup appts) runs between 10-15k. The recovery time is about 1 week. My office is located in Southport and extremely close to the train station if needed. I hope this helps.