i have a general question about plastic surgery.. what problems or challenges do you surgeries face in your field?
i’m currently a college student who is very interested in the reconstructive plastic surgery field and i’m writing a problem/solution paper but the only problems i came up with were money wise, and anesthesia process… please if anyone has any sort of thought, idea or anything please comment back with a problem and at least four solutions or email me at alyssaisawesome@live.com with your information thank you very much.
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Dr. Curtis Wong wrote on :
Certainly getting some random info on the Internet can provide some of what you need for your research. I think you would be better off to contact some local plastic surgeons and find out if any can set aside some time to discuss it with you and what the field is all about with more specific questions provided in advance to them by you. This is a dynamic field where you are allowed to use your imagination in helping solve problems. Good luck with your paper.
Curtis Wong, MD