With breast augmentation, is there a number of years after which it is likely that the breast implants will need to be replaced? Probably for saline ones, but how long do both types typically last?
There is some confusion about the need for replacement of breast implants at 10 years. The FDA states that about 23% of patients require a second operation in 10 years but that figure also included patients who had a second operation because they wanted larger implants not because of a problem.
Based on that study it would be logical to assume that 77% of patients did not require replacement at 10 years.
In my practice I have seen patients who have implants in for over 40 years without problems. You may read more at: http://www.bostonplasticsurgeryspecialists.com/services/breast-surgery/breast-augmentation/
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Dr. Brooke Seckel wrote on :
There is some confusion about the need for replacement of breast implants at 10 years. The FDA states that about 23% of patients require a second operation in 10 years but that figure also included patients who had a second operation because they wanted larger implants not because of a problem.
Based on that study it would be logical to assume that 77% of patients did not require replacement at 10 years.
In my practice I have seen patients who have implants in for over 40 years without problems. You may read more at: http://www.bostonplasticsurgeryspecialists.com/services/breast-surgery/breast-augmentation/