I had circumferential liposuction on my thighs six years ago. I had persistent swelling right above my knees for about two years, then spontaneously resolved itself. Now four years later my entire thighs are swollen again. Two months of this and they aren’t any better even after wearing compression garments. Had multiple blood tests and a CT scan which were all normal. Could this be lymphedema, even six years later? There’s absolutely nothing on the internet on this.
0 Answers
Dr. Mennen Gallas wrote on :
I would recommend a visit to your plastic surgeon who may refer you to a different physician for an evaluation based on the exam findings. Who ordered the blood tests and CT scan? He/She may also help lend some answers.
Dr. Constance Barone wrote on :
This sounds like lymphedema which is probably unrelated to the liposuction. You need follow-up with a doctor who specializes in lymphatic problems. Best to you.
Dr. Leopoldo Lapuerta wrote on :
I recommend following up with your plastic surgeon. From there they can give you recommendations to determine what would be the best treatment for you.
Dr. Paul Zwiebel wrote on :
Sorry to hear of your problem, which suggests a lymphatic issue that goes far beyond the expectation for recovery after liposuction. It certainly sounds like lymphedema and is unlikely related to the liposuction.
I advise you consult a specialist in assessing and treating lymphedema.
Dr. Robert Wilcox wrote on :
Your case is puzzling. I have never heard of swelling after liposuction 6 years later. If it happened to be unrelated and a new case of chronic lymphedema, you would expect the entire extremity to be swollen, including below the ankle.
You will need to see a specialist for this to evaluate you and recommend treatment. I doubt this is related to your liposuction.
Robert Wilcox, MD