I got a quote for 10,500 for a full tummy tuck and liposuction. Is this quote accurate for a mid West location? The other physician I saw was a board certified dermatologist with extensive experience with cosmetic surgery but he’s not a board certified plastic surgeon. What is best in this case, he gave me a quote of 8,000 for these procedures. My other question is what are the cons and risk factors of a tummy tuck? I’m in the 20s have not had kids yet.
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Dr. Scott Brundage wrote on :
The price will depend on how many areas of liposuction are included. We charge $9875 for a complete tummy tuck and one additional area of liposuction. This includes ALL costs. If you are in your 20’s and are planning children you need to be aware that any improvement from the abdominoplasty surgery will be lost after a full term pregnancy. As already stated, it is best not to make a sound decision on price alone. Dermatologists are not trained as surgeons. Just as you would not go to a Plastic Surgeon for a severe skin condition, you should not go to a dermatologist for a significant surgical procedure.
Dr. Gustavo Galante wrote on :
The cost will vary depending on how many sites are treated, the surgeon, the area of the country, and the facility/anesthesia fees. There are several reasons to have a tummy tuck, but not having had a pregnancy, I would have to assume your abdomen needs contouring after having some significant weight loss. Remeber that this is not a substitute for weight loss, and if this is the issue, then a tummy tuck and liposuction are not the answers. In general, it is best to do a tummy tuck after the chilbearing years as it would not be advisable to have a pregnancy after a tummy tuck. The choice of a physician is one of the most important decisions along with the person administering the anesthesia and the facility. be sure to research these factors well. Plastic surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery have the most extensive training in these procedures. Remember that the cost is important, but it should not be the most important factor in the decision making process.
Dr. Janet Turkle wrote on :
A tummy tuck has the same risk factors of any surgical procedure including anesthesia risks, infection, bleeding, bruising, prolonged swelling, numbness or loss of sensation, poor healing and fluid accumulation. A board certified plastic surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). The ABPS is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), which has approved medical specialty boards since 1934. There is no recognized certification for cosmetic surgery.
The selection of a surgeon should never be driven by price. Other factors to consider are board certification, reputation, training and experience. It is not possible to compare the quotes you received as they each may or may not include anesthesia fee or facility charges. Always make sure the facility in which your procedure is performed is properly accredited. You may wish to schedule a consultation with a second board certified plastic surgeon for comparison purposed.