Im 20 years old and still planning on having children in the future, but ive been struggling trying to loose my weight for 6-7 years now only being able to loose 20 pounds then gain it all back no matter what i do. I walk (cant run because of asthma issues) i dance i do sit ups i do crunches i do just about most of the excercise i cn do. I rarely eat Junk or fast food (travelling 2+ hours usually thats not often though) and nothing. I want this weight gone. Would a tummy tuck be a smart idea for me? If not could you suggest something that wouldnt Interfere with me having children? I just need help and my doctors i see wont approve of it because im so young. And the whole children thing. Please help me!!!!
0 Answers
Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :
A tummy tuck is not the answer. TTs get rid of excess skin after either child bearing or weight loss. It sounds as if you need a consultation with a nutritionist who will put you on the path to weight loss. Tummy tucks are great after you have lost the weight — you need to figure out how to change your diet and increase your exercise. Good Luck.
Dr. Michael Law wrote on :
A tummy tuck would not prevent you from having children. However, it is impossible to know whether or not a tummy tuck would be right for you. A tummy tuck is not weight loss surgery. But, some women can do down many, many sizes and lose many inches after a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck is designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, make the waistline smaller, and in some cases create a new, beautiful and natural looking belly button
Dr. Michael Law wrote on :
A tummy tuck would not prevent you from having children. However, it is impossible to know whether or not a tummy tuck would be right for you. A tummy tuck is not weight loss surgery. But, some women can do down many, many sizes and lose many inches after a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck is designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, make the waistline smaller, and in some cases create a new, beautiful and natural looking belly button
Dr. Michael Law wrote on :
A tummy tuck would not prevent you from having children. However, it is impossible to know whether or not a tummy tuck would be right for you. A tummy tuck is not weight loss surgery. But, some women can do down many, many sizes and lose many inches after a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck is designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, make the waistline smaller, and in some cases create a new, beautiful and natural looking belly button