edge SAID:

I have pierced ears (1 lobe piercing). The hole has become stretched. Is it possible to get a second lobe piercing above the original hole and then have the original hole surgically closed or should I have the original hole closed first.


0 Answers

  1. Dr. Olivia Hutchinson wrote on :

    Dear Ms. Jacobs,
    It may be possible for you to have the second piercing done first, but if you want to repair the stretched out hole anyway it is probably best to do that before any additional piercing. Once that heals, you can then decide the exact location of where you would like your earlobe to be pierced.
    Dr. Olivia Hutchinson

  2. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    Usually it is better to close the hole up first and then re pierce the ear. This is done in the office and has virtually no down time.

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