deluxldy SAID:

I had gastric sleeve surgery and have lost 62 lbs and have 50 more to go. My arms are a nightmare and I want to get them done asap but don’t like the zipper scar. I see pics here that show the scar in the armpit. Who does that in NJ that I can speak to and what is the average cost?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    Before you settle on what you want, it is important to see a board certified plastic surgeon and see what treatment is appropriate for your problem. Limited incisions give very limitied results — so if you have lost a lot of weight, go talk to one of us that does this type of surgery.

  2. Dr. Farhad Rafizadeh wrote on :

    We perform the limited incision arm lift, but you have to be the right candidate to get good results. If there is too much redundent skin the armpit excision and liposuction will not be enough to give you appropriate results. Your first step is to come for a consultation to determine what would work for you. The cost is also dependent on the extent of the procedure. It goes from $6000 to $10000. Please call 973 2670928 to see Dr Rafizadeh in Morristown NJ

  3. Dr. Douglas Monasebian wrote on :

    Good day and thank you for your question. Although we are in New York City, Dr. Monasebian, our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, does perform the limited incision brachioplasty with a scar that heals in the armpit.
    We look forward to meeting you soon. Body contouring is one of the commonly performed procedures performed at Park Avenue Plastic Surgery by Dr. Monasebian. As with any Plastic Surgery procedure, make sure it is performed by a doctor certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and ask this doctor to show you pictures and review the entire procedure with you.
    We will routinely review all aspects of the procedure with you.
    During your consultation, all fees will be discussed in more detail as well. Please call us to discuss this further. We look forward to meeting you soon.

    Dr. Douglas M. Monasebian
    Park Avenue Plastic Surgery

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