Do I have to have an eye doctor refer me first to have a surgeon to do my eyelids?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Gustavo Galante wrote on :

    No, it is not necessary to have a referral from an ophthalmologist or any physician if you do not like the way your eyes look. If the upper lids are blocking a part of your vision, you may need a referral depending on the health insurance policy you have, because this can be considered a medical condition Your plastic surgeon may refer you to an eye doctor to have your eyes checked prior to this type of surgery.

  2. drjasonpetrungaro wrote on :

    Thank you for your question. No, you do not need an eye doctor to refer you to a Plastic Surgeon to have eyelid surgery performed. This is of course if you are planning on having the eyelid surgery done cosmetically. In that case you can simply make an appointment with a board certified Plastic Surgeon and you may proceed with surgery once you are comfortable with your doctor.

    If you are having problems seeing because of excess skin of the upper eyelid hanging down and blocking your vision, and you would like to see if insurance will pay for your upper eyelid surgery, then yes, you will need to be evaluated by an eye doctor before your surgical appointment. Realize that only in the most severe cases will insurance pay for an upper blepharoplasty.

    Best of luck!

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