Remember when you were so physically attracted to someone, all you had to do was think about him, and you’d want to jump into bed? Now, even if you love your husband or partner with all your heart, it’s not quite so easy getting “in the mood,” is it?
A recent FabOverFifty poll of 300 women, 45+,
revealed that a whopping 54 percent of you have a difficult time–sometimes or often–getting aroused or in the mood before intercourse, and 78 percent believe that your sexual experiences would definitely improve
if you were “more aroused” before sex.
So what’s a woman to do? Well, some of you masturbate, others use sex toys, wear sexy lingerie, or suggest a romantic evening with your partners. Others have simply given up on sex entirely, some because it takes too much effort to get yourselves in the mood, or because your husbands can no longer achieve erections or are no longer interested in sex.
The vast majority of you (80 percent), however,
would consider using a device to get you in the mood
before intercourse, according to the FOF survey.
Happily, a smart new sexual health device,
called Fiera Arouser for Her, will do just that.
Fiera is like no other tool to enhance intimacy on the market, and I mean no other. It’s not a vibrator. It’s not a pill or supplement. It’s not a cream or gel. It’s a small, discreet and hands-free accessory that stimulates blood flow in the clitoris and encourages vaginal lubrication, helping get your body ready for a enjoyable sexual experience.
Fiera is shaped to fit comfortably inside the
labia, atop the clitoris.
Once the power button is pressed, the device softly attaches itself to the clitoris through suction, and then a trio of tiny vibrating stimulators gently surround the clitoris to provide extra stimulation and send blood into the area. Buttons on the topside of Fiera control the pattern and intensity of the stimulation vibes, ranging from soft and slow to harder and speedier (but not so hard or fast to cause any discomfort.) A soft, removable cover, called a SofSense ring, is snapped into place before each use, and washed in warm, soapy water between uses.
It’s pretty easy to switch speeds and patterns, once you get the hang of it, and little lights tell you when Fiera is attaching, properly suctioned, or needs to be recharged. The settings, combined with the gentle suction, help you find the ideal combination to enhance arousal and desire. The clever little thing isn’t meant to give you an out-and-out orgasm, but to get you in the mood-physically and mentally-to have one, whether or not you have a partner.
to get your mind and body in the mood. Enter code 5AFOF12
to receive $50 OFF your Fiera, valid through 2/29/16.