Welcome to the MOFA: The Museum of FOF Art. We found these seven talented artists in the FOF community and asked each one to share the work she’s most proud of and why. Should your art be in our next roundup? Tell us, below!
1. “Deborah” by FOF Stephanie Fuller (Haitia Fuller Island Gallery)
“I have created 24 Deco divas as part of my series “Les Demoiselles.” When I was commissioned to create “Deborah,” I knew only 3 things about her; she knows everything about jewelry, loves the opera and has dark hair. I was told I “nailed her”…Wee!”
2. “The Paris Apartment” by FOF Shann Spishak. Shann Spishak Studio
“The Paris Apartment is inspired by my love of Paris. Who doesn’t dream of spending the day, or every day in Paris shopping couture and stopping at patisseries for espresso and croissants? Afterwards, we’d head back to our fabulously eclectic Paris apartment decorated with vintage decor from a Paris flea market. On the wall is a large landscape from French Impressionist painter Claude Monet of his Giverny gardens with the water lily pond. Sit in the French style bergere chair upholstered in pink velvet, and browse through a Chanel bag for the days’ finds.”
3. “Birch Trees” by FOF Debra Fink Bachelder. Binding Arts
“This is the first I painted without a reference…I got lost in the zone. It’s a break away from the traditional “British round brush” style paintings I first learned. (That’s when you paint a flower and it looks exactly like the flower). As I painted, I couldn’t find my glasses so I took a break to find them. When I walked back into the studio with them on, I was stunned. I couldn’t believe I painted it!”
4. “Sunlit Geranium” by FOF Linda McCoy. Linda McCoy Art
This painting is one of my favorite subjects, Geraniums. I love their color! It’s so easy to pass by an object, remark “Oh that’s pretty,” but did you really look at it? Did you notice the way the sun passes through the petals? That the shadows are a deep rich color? That there are as many greens in the leaf as red in the flower? You may not have; but that’s okay, that’s my job.
5. “Sentenced But Not Shamed” by FOF Susan Creamer Joy. Susan Creamer Joy
“Most of my paintings and drawings are done for others. But, occasionally there is one that is so much a part of me that almost from the first brushstroke, I know I will not part with it. This is one of those. She sits in wise counsel without judgment or rancor and holds me together with her peaceful countenance and wide empathy. I painted her as my son began a four-year cycle of abuse and arrest, culminating with a term in prison. The illustration accompanies a post I wrote called ‘Sentenced But Not Shamed’ about the most recent phase of my journey in this world I am still trying to understand and to accommodate.”
6. “The Betsy Sofa” by FOF Suzanne Meyer Pistorious. BlugirlArt
“I found her at an auction house, no one wanted to make the effort to bring her back to her former glory. The more neglected a piece is, the more I want to save it. My inspiration for this piece was designer Betsy Johnson, and Betsy Ables-Kravitz, editor of New England Home Magazine, who has supported me from day one.”
7. “PlasticFantastic” by FOF Suzanne Golden. Suzanne Golden Bead Art
“My work comes from spontaneous ideas or visuals that grab my attention. I then try and interpret those concepts into a three dimensional beaded piece. I’m always trying to push the boundaries of beading to express my creativity as fully as possible.
Top Left: “World War One Sewing Kit” by FOF Linda McCoy. Linda McCoy Art
Middle Right: “The House on 314” by FOF Debra Fink Bachelder. Binding Arts
Bottom Left: “Stephanie” by FOF Stephanie Fuller. Haitia Fuller Island Gallery
0 Responses to “{Art} 7 FOF Artists and their Masterpieces”
Meg Mitchell says:
What a great collection of art. My favs are “The Paris Apartment” and the “Betsy Sofa” but all are wonderful.
admin says:
Roxanne- glad to hear you like the site! Share it with your FOF friends! mmont – We love the settee too!
mmont55 says:
I love the little settee just adorable!
mmont55 says:
I especially love the little settee. Very cute!
Roxanne Steed, Artist says:
I’m so glad Linda McCoy shared this link with us! What a fun/fab blog! I enjoyed seeing the works you’ve shown here & I’ve been clicking around the various sections, lovin’ it….& have several friends (ages 50+) that I just know would love it, too!
Katherine from Fab Over Fifty says:
Hi Julie, I agree–these pieces are all just so lovely.
Feel free to send your work to Katherine{at}faboverfifty{dot}com (or you can click the black & white email button at the top right)…
I look forward to seeing your work!
Julie says:
These are lovely. I would love to show you my artwork. I work in fiber and textiles. Whom should I contact?
Loma says:
I would love to see my art work displayed here in FOF. But could not find a way to upload one of them. Perhaps you would like to view some of my work at http://hstrial-lomarothmunda.intuitwebsites.com/
Carmen Badeau says:
I love seeing the art on this site! I feel that without art, life has no real value. I’m an artist and my partner is an artist. We’re both trying to get more exposure through our art and we’re both FOF! So the next time you feature FOF art, please contact me! Thank you for featuring this!!!
Laurie Pace, Artist says:
This is a fabulous site! Linda McCoy sent me the link…. Can’t wait to explore it. WOW!!! Being 57 and into the best part of life, this really expresses it all…. Thank you. Would it be ok to link to my blogs?
admin says:
Hi Laurie! Thanks for the compliments! Glad you like the site. Send your blog urls to Katherine{at}faboverfifty{dot}com for review. If they are a good fit, we can add them 🙂
Sara from Fab Over Fifty says:
You’re welcome, Linda. We had such fun looking through all your beautiful art! xox
Linda McCoy says:
Thanks so much for featuring my artwork! I appreciate it!
Katherine from Fab Over Fifty says:
You’re welcome, Shann–we were thrilled to feature your darling painting. Paris, here we come!…
Shann says:
Congratulations on a very cute post with settee and wall with FOF artists hung salon style 🙂 Thanks so much for including my Paris Apartment painting!