FOF Harriet Campbell is giving away six sets of her BowlOvers–clever, reusable covers that go over bowls and store your leftovers! Enter to win by answering this question in the comments below: Which set of BowlOvers would you most like to win?
Harriet Campbell, an FOF from the U.K, worked in merchandising for a home decor website much of her adult career. Her job exposed her to many products, but she found that she wasn’t satisfied with anything on the market for storing food. “I wanted something that you could cover your leftovers with like cling wrap, but that you could wash and reuse,” says Harriet. One day, as Harriet watched her husband cover a saucepan of potatoes with a tea towel to keep them fresh, she had an a-Ha! moment. Her idea was to create a set of different-sized covers that adhere to bowls using an elastic band. The covers would be adorned with sayings and themes for different occasions.
Harriet worked with a designer to give her product a vintage feel. The designer, also inadvertently gave Harriet the idea for the product’s name. “She was working late on some designs and emailed them over with a spelling error–she missed the C in ‘Covers,’” says Harriet. “The moment I saw it I knew that was the name–BowlOvers! You can be ‘bowled over’ by the idea, and they go over bowls!”
Harriet found a manufacturer in China to mass produce her BowlOvers. She already knew that she wanted her product to be microwaveable for reheating leftovers or to steaming vegetables. She also wanted them to be 100% machine washable. The manufacturer came up with some additional adjustments that Harriet hadn’t thought of, such as putting holes in them for safer reheating, and adding washing instructions on each one.
Harriet officially launched BowlOvers in March of last year. She sold 15,000 in the U.K. her first year and is hoping to double sales this year since launching her U.S. retail site this past summer.
“You can use them to keep food covered before a party, or when you are eating outside and want to protect your food from flies,” says Harriet. BowlOvers are also perfect for FOFs. “As people get older it gets harder to tear the cling wrap evenly off the roll,” says Harriet. “BowlOvers are a much more attractive alternative to cling wrap. They’re reusable, so you’re not contributing to landfills. While cling wrap won’t adhere to plastic bowls, BowlOvers fit over any type of bowl.”
Enter to win a set of BowlOvers by answering this question in the comments below: Which set of BowlOvers would you most like to win?
One FOF will win. (See all our past winners, here.) (See official rules, here.) Contest closes December 13th, 2012 at midnight E.S.T. Contest limited to residents of the continental U.S.
0 Responses to “{Giveaway} BowlOvers”
Patricia Assanowicz says:
thank you, love all of them, the originals are very cute, great conversation pieces..
website says:
I’ve read not one article on your weblog. You are a huge lad website
Ellen DeChant says:
I would like to win the Original BowlOvers.
Jane Immel says:
I like the original covers…useful all year..
yvonne clutterbuck says:
I like the vintage gingham as I am olger and like traditional things.
linda says:
I really am tickled by the Original setof BowlOvers-cute sayings!
carol says:
salad days
courtney says:
I like the vintage gingham ones!
amber says:
I like the gingham set but anyone is nice. I love the Christmas sayings.
hofken says:
I like Vintage Gingham
michellep34 says:
I love the Vintage Gingham Collection of BowlsOver because they are really cute and remind me of good times at family picnics. They can be used any time but would be nice to take along to my next family reunion picnic to keep all of those pesky bugs away!
tezza says:
i would love to have the vintage gingham. this are beautiful bowl!! love the design it’s colorful!! 😀
Sandy L. says:
I would like to win which one you would pick. I like them all and can’t
Happy Holidays to you, and thank you.
pmack says:
Eat, Drink,and Be Merry
Arlene says:
Gingham is so homey and old fashioned looking.
smfsprout says:
I like the original set best. The sayings are just so appropriate for my fridge.
Lori says:
This is just an awesome idea! Each week, I boil up a selection of vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, turnip, brussell sprouts) and potatoes that will last us a few days for supper. I don’t have enough bowls with lids so am always using saran wrap on top of them and half the time it doesn’t stick well or slides off.
The same goes for the dog food can, which is good for about 3 meals for him. I bought a hard plastic lid for the cans one time and it did not fit.
I would put these to really good use! I like the original ones the best. Thanks for the contest!
amber says:
I like the vintage gingham set
R. Feng says:
The set of BowlOvers I would like the most to win would be the one that says “Eat, Drink, & Be Merry” because it would make a great gift to my great-grandmother, who loves to cook with leftovers. The BowlOvers would make a great addition to her kitchen. Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Catherine says:
The cold sprouts cracked me up!
Ann Russell says:
Love the humor of “not more turkey”!
Michelle M says:
I love “Eat, Drink & Be Merry!” Thanks!
Jill says:
I would like the vintage gingham. These are great, the plastic ones give up easy and are not good for the enviroment
connie newman says:
Rosemary says:
The messages on the original ones are just the best! Would love them
sheryl says:
vintage Gingham
Onehsancare says:
I like Salad Days and Originals.
Laura says:
I love the vintage gingham bowlovers.
Nancy M says:
I like the originals.
margaracantu says:
The original bowlovers are clever and classic! Id love to win this! thank you for the chance!
yyoerger says:
All are clever, but I’d go for Vintage Gingham – more versatile and year-round than some of the other designs. Good eco-friendly idea.
ShemCreek says:
Fantastic idea! I like Eat, drink and be Merry!
Kathi says:
I Like the “Original” syle, The one that says: Save some for me” Is too cute and Sovery true in My Home! Great Idea 🙂
lisa mcfarland says:
not more turkey
Debbie Fry says:
The Vintage set would be a great addition for my “old school” vintage kitchen!
kellykat says:
I like the simple country look of the Gingham Bowl-Overs
Charlotte says:
I love this concept! Would love to try the original set first and then order the rest afterwards….thank you!
Debbie Chaney says:
I like the original set…great messages! Especially the cute little one with the paw print on it 🙂
Christine Norman says:
Carol Guth says:
I’d enjoy the classic gingham bowlovers!
Great idea!
Kimberly B says:
I love the vintage gingham.
Christine says:
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry
Kai W. says:
I love the Eat drink and be merry.
Rebecca says:
The Original would be perfect for me!
Marla Johnson says: Are my absoulute Favorite.
sgoulet660 says:
What a great idea I would love to win a set of these Salad Days would be great.
Helen Chun says:
The original!
suerae01 says:
They’re adorable – I would love a set of Original BowlOvers.
katie says:
The vintage gingham covers are perfect. What a great product. Thanks for sharing this with FOF members.
beth says:
adorable!!! I would love any of them!! did I say adorable!
Debra Barber says:
These BowlOvers are so cute!! Id be happy with any of them ,but for everyday I like the original ones.
Merri matalon says:
Vintage Gingham!
AJB says:
The Gingham.
Kim Cage says:
I love the classic gingham!
Nancy Jachcik says:
I Like the Original Collection!
Claire Garvey says:
I like the Original Collection (especially that paw print!)
ellen schull says:
Eat drink and be merry
Fay Swenson says:
Vintage Gingham
Carole Lehr Johnson says:
What a great idea! I would love to have the vintage gingham bowl covers.
Tammy Lowry says:
The Christmas set
Rimanda says:
salad days were into salads an salads are into us!!
Margarida says:
The vintage gingham are all purpose, so the ones I most wish to win!
bloomingidiot says:
I love the gingham ones. What an interesting story behind how the name came about!
Paula says:
I love the Eat, Drink & Be Merry covers! Very festive for the holidays and would be especially nice to cover bowls that will be taken to holiday parties!
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry
eddyrobey says:
I like the original ones,a great idea.
dar w. says:
well of course, the eat drink & be merry ones … totally awesome idea!!!
Zenaida says:
I would like to win the multi-purpose Original Collection.
Jerrilynn Atherton says:
Vintage Gingham!
Carol Smith says:
I like the messages on the Thanksgiving version the best. That’s my choice.
joyzkim says:
I like the Original set….why not start from the begiining and work up from there? Great idea!
Katie says:
Eat drink and be merry
Phoenix says:
The classic Gingham.