“My wife (then girlfriend) made me a homemade Valentine’s card and I still have it to this day.”
Dennis Gilliland
“A frame with beautiful words made from scrabble letters (which we both often played).”
Karen Freya Jackson
“ A marriage proposal. Somehow God let him know my mom would not be with us much longer. She passed away suddenly a few days after the proposal.”
Debbie Hendrix Edwards
“Too many awesome things to count!! His time and love are the most valuable and precious to me.”
Rhonda Savarese Miketinas
“I have a few but top of the list is the day he brought home two beautiful male ginger kittens. They are now seven years old and very precious.”
Kelly Stevens
“An LP album from a man I worked for. It was an artist I really loved and I was amazed that he knew. It was the only one I did not own, too. No way he could have known. Really. It always stands out in my mind.”
Jean Engel
“My stepchildren, Kim and Dave!”
Barbara Welsh
“For our 30th anniversary was hoping for a diamond to replace the one I lost 25 years ago but instead I got an elk hunting trip to Idaho……I’m thrilled!”
Candace Lafleur
“A romantic trip to the south of France.”
Carolyn Schaeberle
“Weird…but I really loved the Hello Kitty pepper spray (pink with bling)!”
Tosh Primrose
“A Vitamix blender, Lol.”
Colleen Claeys
“27 years married. My landscaper hubby would cut a coke can in half and put pretty flowers in it……bring it home to me from work! He still does sometimes.”
Denise Ramirez
“A divorce!”
Cat McSachs
“We had a baby, we were broke. My husband came home with three bottles of cheap Champagne and a birthday cake. We put in a couple of movies, sat on the floor. Nothing will ever be better than that.”
JoAnn Schwartz-Flesner