“Almost 43 years. Having your OWN interests, NO jealousy, LIKE each other. Go on a vacation once a year! ONE TV program ( other than sports) that you watch together every week. KEEP holding hands AND KISSING. This has worked for us.”
Chris Anderson-Montgomery
“Being best friends & always being thankful for one another.”
Jill Gibbs
“Both have to want it to last forever. And be dedicated to making it last forever.”
Linda Jones
“As Elton John’s song goes ‘Sorry seems to be the HARDEST word.’ NEVER be afraid to say that word to each other.”
Michelle Bonner
“I can only speak for my life. I believe it is hard work and dedication. Anything can happen, but remember why you started to love this person in the beginning. We dated and learned about each other, we lived together and found out we are a good team. Sometimes one of the team tipped the boat to one side but the other one fights harder and balances the ship.”
Cheryl Caperchione
0 Responses to “The Secrets Behind Marvelous Marriages”
Cecile says:
35 years here. We were in our late 20s, so full-grown adults who knew how to take care of themselves. I already owned a home, was a career woman, etc. We are opposites in terms of personality, so together we cover a lot of strength areas that help balance us out in negotiating life. He’s extroverted, facts-minded, and ever so logic leaning. I’m introverted, more intuitive, and ever so feeling/subjectivity leaning. I will take more risks (I recently went to Peru solo) and he looks for how to avoid risks. Our differences have been the source of many arguments, but ultimately, we have learned from the other. In our 60s now, I’m curious how we will each handle the aging process going forward, how we will carry out our philosophies of life as older people, and how we will negotiate the expectations of the other.