Should Oprah Run For President?


“She has great common sense and compassion. Yes I would.”
Marilyn Gentile

“There are several reasons I would vote for her:

“She is educated, but continues to educate herself.

“She is empathetic, but also knows how to draw appropriate boundaries.

“She is articulate.

 “She is elegant.

“She is someone my daughter can look up to and learn from. She is someone who would promote compromise and purpose. She is an extremely successful businesswoman who treats her employees with respect and care. All of these attributes would translate well into being a successful President.”
Linda McKnight Ackerman Marrs

“Given that our standards for leader of the free world have dipped to all time lows, I would say she’s as qualified (if not more) than our current president and certainly better at diplomacy (and maturity), lol, so sure.”
Brynda Blowers

After this mess of an administration we have now, I would vote for her because I believe she cares about the 98%. And is intelligent enough to conduct herself as president to make me proud to be represented by her.”
Debbie Ferenacz Eritz

“I’d want to hear her ideas and see what she had to say. I’d vote for her easily, if I felt she would implement needed changes.”
Nindy Hunt

“From what little I know about her she seems to put education and young women first. For that reason I would vote for her”
Celene Wolf

“I wouldn’t want her to run, no more TV personalities, but if she did and became the nominee, yes I would.”
Rebecca Malagon

Yes as she is a determined woman and a strong minded one.”
Movita Delaney

“Yes yes yes.”
Samantha Mills

“Brains, compassion, leadership, well respected….maybe. Who is she running against?”
Carole Minogue

See who else FOFs would vote for as the leader of the free world (you might be surprised).

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