No need to hop on a flight to gawk at global garb. We spotted FOF Hanne Winfield from Denmark in front of the Guggenheim Museum in New York. We had major passport envy when she began rattling off the origins of her outfit, which includes pieces from Italy to Brooklyn and just about everywhere in between.
Name: Hanne Winfield
Age: 51
Where are you from? Jutland, Denmark
What do you do? I’m an actress. I’ve come to New York for acting lessons. I’m here for 3 weeks.
What are you doing today? Just went to the Guggenheim. I loved the Picasso exhibit.
What’s your favorite place to shop? Anywhere. I’m not that into names.
Do you have a passion project that you are working on? Well right now I’m on vacation. I’m out here to learn new stuff.
What have you learned so far in New York?
I think New York teaches you to actually grab what’s yours.
How is that different from Denmark?
Denmark is much smaller. Not as much energy as in New York. It’s great to meet all these people. There’s so much will here. But I like New York and Denmark for different reasons.
Shirt: Mesai. “I just bought it in Denmark,” says Hanne.
Bracelets: “I bought them from an artist in Brooklyn. I don’t remember the name.”
Earrings: From a jeweler in Denmark
Bag: David Jones, bought in Italy.
Sandals: Merrell, bought last summer in Czech Republic.
Ring: “It’s from my grandmother.”
Photos by Katherine McPherson for