1. Loving letters written when they are very young, so that they can enjoy them when they’re older
2. Your wedding dress
3. Recipes of special dishes they enjoy
4. A small photo album that showcases you and them every year on their birthday
5. A piece of your jewelry that you know they love
6. A keepsake that they admired in your home
7. Video or audio so they can see you, or hear your voice, whenever they want
8. A book that had special meaning for you, with a note inside telling why
9. Something handmade
10. Lots of money
0 Responses to “10 Things You Should Pass On To Your Grandchildren (Or Special Younger People)”
Nancy says:
I totally agree with Mick who put it very well.
Mick says:
The last suggestion comes off as crass considering all of the lovely aforementioned. Why would anyone feel “entitled” to an inheritance of lots of money?
GeriFOF says:
Hi Mick,
We added that last one with a sense of humor. Sorry you took it as it wasn’t intended, but glad you like the rest of the ideas.