10. The Gluten Conversation
9. Insurance Commercials
8. The Royal Family
7. Nails
6. Vampires
5. Lady Gaga
4. Diamonds
3. Eyelash Mania
2. Christian Louboutin
1. Brunch
What have YOU had enough of?
10. The Gluten Conversation
9. Insurance Commercials
8. The Royal Family
7. Nails
6. Vampires
5. Lady Gaga
4. Diamonds
3. Eyelash Mania
2. Christian Louboutin
1. Brunch
What have YOU had enough of?
0 Responses to “10 Things We’ve Had Enough Of”
Tara says:
Duck Dynasty!!
I'm Not Dead Yet says:
Hi Ladies: I like a lot of these. I’ve been bored with the Royal Family since Lady Di days, but to mention that in American culture would mean certain death. I’d love more Queen Elizabeth, though! She is amazing! I don’t pay attention to the Gaga, but I think she has a terrific voice and is a great natural talent.
Downtin Abby–my eyes glaze as I type the words.
Don’t care about the shoes. Have Celiac sensitivity but live in a community that is pretty insensitive to it, so I have the opposite concern–wish there was a dialogue about it and more culinary options instead of nothing but cheap, fat-food and plenty-of-it restaurants around. No, I don’t have TJs or Whole Foods within a 75 mile radius, lol. I sympathize with a lot of comments about this.
Brunch has always bored me, so I don’t do it.
Most American culture is designed to soothe and numb, so I have to work extra-hard to stay aware and alive and not be lulled into early mental death. There will always be a Kardarshian family or folk in our culture, so I just don’t pay attention.
Here are a few of mine: Grandkids. Gold and silver investments. VIAGRA AND OTHER ERECTION COMMERCIALS. Weight loss obsessions. Grandparenting. What is it about the boomers that makes them believe that every issue from their womb or a related womb is news? Teeth-whitening. Twatter. Retirement “giving back” stories, as in “I’ve made millions of dollars and now I’m retiring and going to (pick a downtrodden country) to “give back”. Take it and stick it where the sun don’t shine, lol, we don’t care about your self-satisfied ego. Why do we need to know?
Also, heroic “breast cancer” survivor stories drenched in pink such as “I was the most horrible human being in the world until I go breast cancer and now I am Mother Teresa because of my breast cancer”. Lord have mercy! If it took a horrible, sometimes-terminal illness to make you a better person, you must have on par with Hitler to begin with, lol. What egos!
The obsession with youth–ladies, I want to look good, too, but botox in my 20s? Really.
The lack of option for the middle-aged woman: either cougar or grandmother. I find both stereotypes depressing and boring and refuse to be sucked into either. O, and a third: “creative middle-aged museum docent”. Spare me, Lord.
Anyway, now that I’ve offended just about everyone, I’d like to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to think and experience for myself.
Geri Brin says:
Hi I’m Not Dead Yet
I think some of your comments are right on, even if they’re not delicate.
spresley says:
“No problem.” Please just say, “You’re welcome” or “My pleasure.” If it’s possibly a problem that I’m buying something, then why are they in business anyway?
Lyndon Dupuis says:
Waiters who try to snatch away the plate as soon as the first diner at the table is finished. Rude!!
The phrase “are you done” and the word “amazing”
Cialis commercials –so ridiculous!
BTW,I have nothing against diamonds!
Marjorie Borell says:
Overdone plastic surgery. I’m all for a little “help” but trying to look 35 when you are 60 just doesnot work. Even if the face holds up, what about the body?
cecile says:
If we are talking about the media in general, I guess I’ve had enough of Miley Cyrus along with all the other pop stars. I’ve had enough of Congress–I read elsewhere of the idea that all of Congress should sit next to each other in alpha order, no matter the party. Sounds good to me.
I’ve had enough of the Kardashians and reality TV across the board.
Debbie W says:
Facebook “liking,” selfies, real housewives everywhere, making every line of dialogue a sexual innuendo, 50 shades of anything, politicians who lie (oh, right, that’s all of them), the lack of standards in all forms of media, having the Affordable Healthcare Act FORCED on us by a out-of-touch government (esp. the ones who lie, oh, right, that’s all of them), and finally, sick to death of government snooping, spying, and lying! 🙂
Mccavity says:
Agree with the list-sans diamonds. My peeve phrase “on the planet” and “I’m like”
If I never hear of another famous person being famous for nothing I’d be happy. Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian are famous for sex tapes. period. all the rest spins off of that. YUK!
Emilie Alfino says:
How about “awesome,” which means awe-inspiring but is now used for tiny things.
People saying “literally” when they mean “figuratively.” As in, “It literally blew my head off.”
Another vote for the Kardashians, and add Duck Dynasty and Housewives of … and plenty more.
Diet commercials.
Christine Norman says:
Extreme couponers – makes coupon shopping, which I do a lot of, look bad and ruins deals for other shoppers; Obamacare – a mess; Congress – another mess.
Diana says:
I am sick unto death of stupid people who are famous for no reason and talentless “artists” who think the world owes them worship.
Robin Sheeran says:
I think I posted this via Facebook. The phrases “What ever” and “It is what it is.” I would never buy shoes that expensive. The money can be better spent elsewhere. For example by donating to your local Food Bank. I buy an extra can or nonperishable every week and I never miss the money! Also I am sick of the Michael Bolton Honda commercials enough is enough!
R. Goodwin says:
diet this diet that how to loose weight…loose 10 lbs in 2 weeks eat this not that…get this diet food never feel hungry again sheesh never stops especially this time of the year..and hoe actresses lose weight with this product you can too!!!!!!!!! Enough just be happy an healthy don’t miss out on life worry about every little detail I feel better already!!!
Sonia c says:
Celiac disease affects 1 in 133 people. It is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood. There is no medication to treat it. Just not ingesting gluten, which is found not just in food but in most personal care items, like lip balm, hand sanitizer, lotions, mascara, etc. For those of us who suffer from this auto-immune disease, being “gluten free” is not a dad but a way of life. It is frustrating, challenging, expensive and time consuming. Not to mention, it can lead to other health problems if not managed. So with that said, what are you going to be sick of next? Diabetes testing strips, aspirin for heart problems, or any other health problem. Seriously?
Geri says:
Hi Sonia,
We completely understand that people with celiac disease, and others, greatly benefit from gluten-free diets, but we think there’s too much conversation about gluten-free this and gluten free that for EVERYONE.
This is what I wrote to a woman who wanted to know what gluten was.
Hi Antoinette,
Gluten is a protein complex that’s found in wheat, barley, rye and triticale. People with a celiac disease (of the intestines) should have gluten free diets, but we’ve gone gluten-free crazy in this country, thinking that if we stop eating foods with gluten (bread, pasta, cake), we’ll be thinner, less bloated, happier. Apparently, gluten has lots of nutrients that we actually need, and many nutrition experts say you can surely include foods with gluten in your diet, provided you do it sensibly and in conjunction with important activities like proper exercise. Nothing is totally cut and dry, but the food industry has found something new to promote, and the media has found something new to write about, and they’re all running with it. Geri, FOF
Josie says:
WHO? Totally agree about Kardashians! Also woud include almost ALL reality type shows that
follow families or people that live to the extreme in one way or other! How is that of interest to anyone with REAL, GENUINE concerns about how to make it day to day, or paycheck to paycheck? Those people and their odd or extreme living just do not hold any interest for me. Enough already!
Sue Smith says:
I am gluten intolerant, and my daughter has Celiacs. Trust me, the issue is saving our health and that of many others. It’s often inconvenient to eat Gluten Free, it’svery expensive to eat Gluten Free, and thats probably partially due to the hype!!
Ria says:
Pocalypse & Ageddon (These are killing me & should not be added to the end of every word out there)
Sherrie Mathieson says:
The word AWESOME.
J. Sater says:
A Government that’s so self absorbed in it’s political power struggle that they’ve forgotten their true purpose.
A young generation with a “give me” attitude with not a “please” or “thank you” to be heard.
Political correctness.
Patti says:
The Kardashians and Kanye West, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, Beyonce and their ilk! Reality TV, YES~ D. Wales. Youth Culture and the invisiblity of Boomers in any real way in the media. Platform-y high heels in general, butt implants, RACISM!!!!!!
Sherrie Mathieson says:
I totally agree. Emptiness and ignorance abounds.
d.wales says:
Underwear commercials with close-up crotch shots
Ever expanding airline fees
Reality TV
Robo calls
Perpetual tech upgrades
Carol Melodia says:
yummyfaerie says:
Kardasians, selfies, pregnant celeb fascination, but NEVER diamonds!!
Michelle says:
I have to agree with Diane H. H. about the Gluten Free. Being GF for over 25 years, before it was the ‘new’ thing to be, has not been easy.
Karen says:
Obamacare — wish it would just go away… Also, continuous newscasts discussing every aspect of it every day….
Pam Cerullo says:
How about the overuse of phrases like: “At the end of the day…” or “just sayin’…”
Geri says:
I can’t stand “just sayin” Sounds so utterly stupid. Also think the word “yay!” had become pretty ridiculous.
Marg says:
Long, lanky hair on everyone, jeans with rips and holes, the word “bling”, enough!
Sherrie Mathieson says:
So true! So predictable…
Antionette Blake says:
I never understood Gluten Free – is it the same as preservatives?
Geri says:
Hi Antoinette,
Gluten is a protein complex that’s found in wheat, barley, rye and triticale. People with a celiac disease (of the intestines) should have gluten free diets, but we’ve gone gluten-free crazy in this country, thinking that if we stop eating foods with gluten (bread, pasta, cake), we’ll be thinner, less bloated, happier. Apparently, gluten has lots of nutrients that we actually need, and many nutrition experts say you can surely include foods with gluten in your diet, provided you do it sensibly and in conjunction with important activities like proper exercise. Nothing is totally cut and dry, but the food industry has found something new to promote, and the media has found something new to write about, and they’re all running with it. Geri, FOF
A. Reese says:
Crazy nail designs have gotten out of control. Lately I’ve seen some that are downright ugly. All that time and money spent to make your nails look freakish? Makes no sense… Louboutin’s are another story – they are so awesome. My friend says, “Two things to spend money on are good shoes and a good bed because when you aren’t in one you are in the other”.
Geri Brin says:
Got a chuckle out of your friend’s comment, A. Reese. I used to wear Louboutin shoes all the time, when they had a great selection of flats. Not only can’t I walk in their heels now, their prices have become obscene. I love shoes, but not if I have to get a night job to pay for them.
Geri, FOF
Sherrie Mathieson says:
It seams that much about our culture screams “overstatement” in all ways. People crave attention and nails are part of all this. Unfortunately 8″ heels also abound (not only Louboutins). I’m a personal style consultant, and I feel strongly about understatement and refinement.
Becky says:
I agree with the other comment…..why brunch? The others yes, but I still enjoy a good brunch .
Roslyn Tanner Evans says:
I can do away with almost all of them but BRUNCH?
Yrityksen Velkasaneeraus says:
No doubt that those 10 things are in top then gluten conversion.In Finland where i live we mostly talk about the humor about the debt and bankruptcy which i never been seen a conversation like that in media so that some business who are experiencing bankruptcy will learn.