We spotted this FOFierce lady in front of the legendary Balthazar bakery in Soho, New York City. If there’s anyone that could pull off these gold, pleated, parachute pants–we’d nominate this FOF. With her glowing smile, stylish haircut and confident stance, really is there any outfit she couldn’t ace? See what our style experts think, then tell us: Does she look avant garde or caught off guard?
Lovey Dash: “This woman looks FAB. She’s in great shape and shows it off well with her white top. I love that she tied her hair back nice and neat. Wild and loose hair would not have worked with all that pant. Speaking of which, the pants are wild, but she looks great–pleats please! The short booties she chose are a little heavy but they work. I would have preferred a strappy bootie sandal such as studded Valentinos. The bag works. A couple of bangles would also have been good. Overall she’s a winner in my book and sure knows how to show off her assets!”
Lovey Dash is a Beverly Hills-based stylist. She was formerly in VIP sales for Louis Vuitton on Rodeo Drive.
Deborah Boland and Jojami Tyler (The Glam Gals): “This stunning, confident woman could pull off wearing almost anything with her pretty face and that rockin’ body…oops, except for these oyster mushroom diaper pants. We say, ditch the pants and you’re halfway there! Keep the boots, untuck the top and throw on a bra with some tight, dark wash jeans. For the fun factor, add a bold chunky necklace. Now you have the recipe for one hot mamma!”
“Glam Gals” Jojami Tyler and Deborah Boland co-write the brilliant fashion blog, Fabulous After 40.
Sandra Soich: “I like her clean lines. Her hair suits her, both the cut and the color are perfect. Her body hugging top shows a confident, well-toned woman. And, then we arrive at the pants…simply a fashion NO. Too much going on. Everything else is so right and then the pant
throws a glitch into the look. ”
Sandra Soich is wardrobe stylist to the stars and founder of YourFashionTherapist.com.
Sherrie Mathieson: “I feel like a broken record with my repetitive critique of ladies who can’t let go of contrived 80s looks that are attempting to be artsy or “interesting.” Top Asian designers of the 80s invented looks like these (at the time, truly innovative) and spread to the streets of Soho. Today, the watered down interpretations look simply tired.”
Sherrie Mathieson is a leading style expert and Random House author of Steal this Style and Forever Cool.
Terry Gibralter: “I really don’t like the look of the pants on this FOF. I’m not sure if they’re Issey Miyake or Miyake-wannabes but in either case they’re super unflattering. They make her waist look very wide and I don’t think a lightweight pleated pant should be paired with a wintery ankle boot. Not sure I’m loving the skin tight boob flattening tank top either. However, I really like her confident pose and great smile.”
Terry Gibralter is the Sr. Vice President and Creative Director at Grey advertising as well as a fashion stylist and the creator of these clever work accessories.
Susan Hersh: “I love her short silver hair and her artsy style. The Fortuny pant is original
and paired with the white tank, she has sex appeal. Great abs, firm arms–this lady should strut her stuff. The geometric bag is a winner. The shoes are a little heavy…but who’s looking down anyway?”
Susan Hersh is a Ford model and the host and executive producer of Meet The Experts.
0 Responses to “{What do you think of this look?}”
slim pills says:
Reduce Bodyweight has been a revolution for me in my view. I’m a 152 pound female, 39 years old, and i have stomach plump that I’m working to purge myself of. It’s hard. But these actually do help you feel energetic and never experience tired again after having this.
Pat says:
Wow, she looks like she is in great shape! But that said, I think the top is to tight. The pants, well, NO! The booties are way to heavy for the pant. She looks so confident, but the this outfit takes away from her. I think she woukd look good in anything, except this outfit.
Ann says:
Great figure and confidence….horrible outfit! I don’t care how toned you are keep your gym clothes for the gym. I don’t care how sexy you are, keep your harem pants in the harem….and the shoes don’t go with the casual top or ridiculous pants in any way….what a shame since this fit FOF,could probably wear anything (else).
MIck says:
No. This woman has a fabulous smile, and a wonderful figure for wearing fashion. This particular get-up is a flop, however. The top is too tight and bunched. Elastic waist pants that make you look like you have no waist are not ‘avant garde’, and ‘flood water’ length hems exacerbate the problem look. The dark shoes and bag add nothing. This is look is a do-over from scratch!!
Betsy Riley says:
HATE the tucked up pants. It looks like they were too long and she just tucked them in the waistband. I cannot believe they were sold like that. The folds are uneven and they hang crooked. Looks like a spur of the moment adjustment. Yes, she has a great smile and nice attitude, but those pants are a hot mess for me.
Joan says:
It looks like she is trying to compete with her granddaughter. She is an attractive woman but shows no sense of taste or class in this outfit.
Pamela37 says:
Not for me!
kellykat says:
clever way to shorten a wide leg pant
Dianne says:
Lover her confidence. My two cents : a proper fitting bra, perhaps a gold/copper coloured belt with a large buckles and definitely different shoes. But she’s a beautiful woman.
cyan721 says:
This lady is definitely in shape which I think is fantastic, specially at her age!
The clothes – it’s a no go for me. I think it does not do a thing for her or for anyone else for that matter!
Dindy904 says:
Great smile, great hair, very great body….awful outfit..from top to bottom…still cute…but her outfit think is awful !
mxkh says:
She looks like she has 4 boobs.
Aldarita says:
I would give this tool box to my 24 yr old Brother who is going to be a daddy in May he would love it ..That is the best thing I have ever seen . 🙂 This is his first child and I know he a little nerevs . 🙂 Devin troyndev03@verizon.net adding on FB also
Soledad says:
I think she is a hot mess! The top is too snug. My first thought when I saw the pants was, they look like sheets of wet pasta. The shoes are a no. She needs sandals. No matter how confident she might be, it does not improve her look. But I suspect that she’s dressing for herself and not to impress anyone else.
marina klima says:
I don’t like it
Fashion Flash | Menopause Makeover | The Ultimate Guide to Taking Control of Your Health and Beauty during Menopause says:
[…] Avant garde, or caught off guard? Fab Over Fifty wants to know what you think of this look! […]
Glen Swain says:
In London, where attitude is everything, they’d be saying the English equivalent of ‘You go, girl!’ this look is all about energy, creativity, and feeling good at the edge, instead of the ‘Do these pants make me look fat?’ concerns of insecure women. Not having everything ‘work’ in her ensemble says a lot about guts and personal power. Bet she’s comfy, too.
Dyzah says:
I love my husband delary and the reason he ROCKS is because the moment I felt the Lord calling me to stay home with our children he was extremely supportive and encouraged me to do it as soon as possible and absolutely loves that I stay home!
Tina says:
What does this after to do with anything? Wrong forum.
Mamavalveeta03 says:
She is definitely avant garde, has a distinct viewpoint, and shows it off well. What’s not to like? (I’m just jealous that she’s so “perky”, if you know what I mean!).
Fashion Flash says:
[…] Avant garde, or caught off guard? Fab Over Fifty wants to know what you think of this look! […]
AlexandriaBlue says:
This is one of the most hideous get-ups I’ve ever seen. If I saw this woman on the street, I’d have to stifle an hysterical outburst of laughter! Just awful!
morticia7@juno.com says:
Someone said it: maybe the pants should be worn “in motion”…enough with the “look how old I am and while you’re at it look at my boobs, too!” New Yawkers are gawkers and that’s why they dress the way they do…to be gawked at and in ya face! They are to some degree second-handers when it comes to “I wanna be noticed” time. So this old broad must be in advertising/art/and FIT professor! Hope she’s enjoying it all!
Catherine Davis says:
The woman is pretty and in great shape but this outfit doesn’t work on anyone. The top is flattening her boobs out, the pants are for clowns only, and the shoes are just butt ugly. If she had on a looser top w/skinny jeans and a sandal or low heels, then she would look FAB.
anisemarsh says:
She is Beautiful. The pants are not, and the shoes are too heavy for the outfit.
ACeeKayWa says:
Really? Those “pants” would look silly on anyone. Here is a very attractive woman who could look stunning. But instead she looks like she bought into a fashion joke – those pants are just awful but would look better to me with a sandal. But good on her for having the confidence to wear what she wants!
Peachy Pie says:
These pants are ugly and hideous. Don’t like the top either, shows too much of her figure, her ribs stick out.
Cyn says:
Brave and possibly fashion forward but not my style. I would probably admire her bold, confident style but not flattering for me and not my choice for me.
PKW says:
How to take a a FOF and absolutely find the most unflattering pants ever. Beautiful model, dowdiest pants ever. Just say no
dmnyes says:
This outfit is Hideous! I must be old fashioned, but a white tee and no BRA is a BIG NO NO! A shame, because her looks are lost on the first glimpse of that getup.
Wanda says:
Dreadful look on a very pretty woman. Why would anyone wear such an unflattering outfit?
Laurakb says:
Hideous from the tight braless top to whatever that’s supposed to be below the waist. Shoes all wrong, simply awful everywhere. Herself looks fabulous!
Christine Norman says:
I don’t care for any of it – especially the boots.
Mary in MN says:
Yes, I think she looks like a confident lady, no, I think her outfit doesn’t show her to best effect.
The pants are unattractive and the shoe boots are too dark and too solid to go with her white tank and beige pants.
I think the outfit makes her appear too rectangular.
shimon says:
To my test,the lady looks like she is trying hard to look younger, dress you age!
Diane says:
Ugh! She looks like she got dressed in the dark! The shirt is too tight and the pants would look terrible on anyone.
Alva says:
OMG…I could not even see how fab she was because of this terrible outfit. I am embarrassed for her!
hrbeck_98 says:
I love her look from the waist up, but those pants look like she put on a sweater upside-down by mistake! Lose the boots too, please.
Marla says:
Yuck!! Thats all I can say!
Mary Dailey says:
This lady has a very nice body, but the top is way too tight, nothing left to the imagination, and the pants are horrid! The boots aren’t even that great. I would love to take her shopping and find her something really chic to wear. Such a pretty lady making herself look like a clown. You can’t tell me that someone isn’t laughing at this getup, especially when those pant thingies are in motion!
Tasi says:
The woman has a great smile and great figure, but OMG, from the waist down. Agree with the Galm Gals with what needs to be done. Too funky for me – belongs on a runway and no where else
Patricia says:
Jen McGahan says:
The pants material is awesome. They look well constructed, too. But they were not made for human women. Although they’re fun and funky, they are not flattering.
But honestly, if I bumped into this smiling woman, I would say “Wow. Great pants!” just because they’re arty and she wears them with confidence…sometimes style is more about an attitude.
KatieQ says:
Ugh! Love the confidence that glows from within, it’s the outside I have a problem with. Hair and face look fabulous. The pants look like rejects from a roadshow of Kismet made worse by pairing them with those shoes.
Carol says:
Just awful!
SuzieQue says:
Please ladies, this look is ghastly! Did she forget to look in the mirror before going out. What happened to good taste.
starsmom says:
She’s gorgeous and confident, but the pants just don’t work for me at all!
Debra S says:
Well, okay it’s sure not for me! the top is waaaay too squishy- shows too much boob “detail”. Everyone’s attention would be drawn to them, and that annoys me when people do that when you go about your day!!!
And the pants… meh. To me, they were over the top theatrical when MC Hammer wore them!!! They belong on a stage, IMO.
LOL I hate the boot-shoes, too. too much.
But, I sure admire the shape this woman is in. I am working towards that goal, myself. I bow down before her, I know what work it takes.
To each his own!
CJ says:
Okay from the waist up. Hoot mess from the waist down. The pants are ugly and the elastic waistband doesn’t help. The Wicked Witch of the West must want those boots back.
cubie131 says:
This woman is gorgeous and I love her confidence. People should wear what makes them happy. That being said, the pants are just so eighties, dated and over. The model could rock anything-and I wish she would rock something else.
belindabg says:
Oh, and as for her ‘not wearing a bra’ – YOU GO, GIRL. Some of us just don’t want or need one – and they are HOT and UNCOMFORTABLE in the Summer. I think we get way too hung up on the wearing of brassieres. There are plenty of smaller-chested women who don’t want or need them, and they look perfectly FANTASTIC without them!
belindabg says:
I think the pants are very cool, but she’s too small to carry them off. She needs something a bit more balanced to her frame and upper body. These pants would be rockin’ on a larger gal or might work if she had big hair or a jacket with some 80’s style shoulders to go with it and balance top and bottom. I DO love her confidence, though – take a look at the fantastic book, ‘Advanced Style’ and you’ll see many more rockin’ hotties ‘of age’ like her – FABULOUS.
Sara says:
This lady is very attractive, but there is NOTHING attractive about anything she has on! The top is way too tight and the pants are hideous!!!
maryAnn Pepe says:
It’s perfect for working in the art department. That’s what I loved when I worked in Macy’s NY art department. We were considered executives and can get away with funky, trendy clothes!
Cassi Jensen says:
great face and great hair, I just don’t think the outfit flatters her at all. The colors work well, but the pants and boots are just not good looking. I love her smile and confidence though!
saintm says:
Great except for the pants. Odd.
Dolores says:
For real, this outfit is so hideous. I had to look away…
nangnang365 says:
Perhaps those pants are meant to be viewed when she’s walking…maybe its all about being in motion. I do like the idea of them and it would work better with lighter footwear. She does pull them off really well and I LOVE her attitude.
mlh125 says:
looks like she raided her granddaughter’s closet..everything’s wrong here…except her smile and her bag…she COULD play a fairy in a fantasy musical with that outfit maybe…
Diane says:
She’s smiling, so I guess she is happy! I smiled, too, or maybe I laughed a bit. What was she thinking? I just do not care for the pants at all…don’t know what they are called but they are not in the least flattering. Boots with a sleeveless top just do not get it for me. Maybe ankle tied pants and flat sandals with the top and purse she chose would be my pick.
Marie Miller says:
She is a beautiful woman with a magnificent body, but the outfit is horrible!
NJjazzLady says:
I wouldn’t be caught dead looking like this. The pants are awful; you can tell she’s not wearing a bra, and boots should be worn only when your pants cover them She may be on great shape, but this is NOT the way to show it.
marci says:
She is beautiful, but the look put together that way is aggressively ugly.
JED says:
My first reaction was, OMG, what was she thinking?
Shoulders and above are great, below is epic fail!
Judith Marshall says:
Yikes! This outfit is awful. And it does absolutely nothing for this woman’s figure. She should be on the “don’t” page of Glamour magazine with black tape over her eyes.
erica says:
I think she looks GREAT!!! I don’t know where you folks live, but (true) New Yorkers don’t give a hoot what others think. I wish that I could carry this kind of outfit the way she does but it wouldn’t work on me at all.
mlh125 says:
if NYers didn’t care, then why do I see such great outfits on city people? they have this sense of style
most small-town people do not have…then eveyone might as well burlap sacks.
Donna says:
I do not like this outfit at all; the pants are awful and the boots do not go with the outfit.
bclaxton says:
The pants and the boot are all wrong. I agree with the reviewer that said to replace the pants with dark jeans. Those pants would look awful on anyone. Tacky to the max.
Neats says:
This outfit does not say “I am an attractive FOF with her own sense of personal style”. It says “if I dress weird enough will I look young and cool?”
bonsny says:
Attractive woman but the outfit is terrible!
ladycarol says:
That out fit is just wrong on anyone! I really don’t care for that look at all. I love the model she is beautiful.