
What is the BEST non-invasive treatment to make your face and neck area look years younger and how much should that cost?

0 Answers

  1. Laura Phillips wrote on :

    I have to agree with the doc that Thermage CPT is amazing! I had it done 7 months ago and I was extremely pleased with the result. I wish I could do my whole body! lol I live in Houston and it cost $2400 for my eyes, face, and neck. As far as skin treatments, I really like NuGlow and Olay Regenerist.

  2. deborahthedancer wrote on :

    Juvaderm & Restylane injections have done wonders for me. I had my marrionette lines done and my nasal labial fold done. I also had a perpendicular wrinkle between my brows. I think it makes me look 15 years younger than my 63 actual age. If you are not a smoker, you should only have to have it done every 18 months or so. Depending on the number of vials they use, it will cost about $2500.00. They also run rebates on it from time to time. Check it out on the web and ask your doc about rebates.

  3. Deannam wrote on :

    For the face I recommend Mary Kay, if you don’t have a consultant you can check my website http://www.marykay.com/deannam. Yes I sell it but most of all I use it and at 61 even complexion and wrinkle free.

    • peggyvan wrote on :

      Deannam – as you may know, your website is not available or ‘may be temporarily removed.’ per my search

  4. Rockyred wrote on :

    I use infrared light therapy (DPL -Deep Penetrating Light Therapy System) on face and neck. I’m 50 and look at least 10 years younger – I also use great products on my face (check out TIA website) – I may pay a little more for them, however I no longer need to get facials. I am practically wrinkle free and I don’t need to wear foundation. Good genes also play a role, along with healthy eating, exercise and finding inner peace and happiness with what God blessed me with!

  5. barbara wicklund wrote on :


  6. zeldie stuart wrote on :

    Botox Botox Botox! I swear by it. Find a great dermatologist and he will guide you as to how much Botox and where. It all depends on you regarding price. Many doctors charge by the vial of Botox. Start with one area, see how you like it and go from there. But a fabulous doctor is where you start.

  7. harriet BRAND wrote on :

    I’ll tell you what NOT to do. I spent several thousand for SmartLipo at the Juva Clinic in New York City. It did not work. I looked worse after the treatment. I sought a non-invasive treatment for sagging skin under my chin and didn’t find out until after that the doctor who does the procedure is a dermatologist, not a plastic surgeon. Do not waste money on SmartLipo.

  8. Christine Newton wrote on :


  9. Yolo med spa wrote on :

    I have tested the Ulthera, ultrasound (moderate improvement $$$) Thermage radiofrequency (no improvement $$$$), Skin tyte infrared, (mixed results $$) vs. Mixto Fractionated CO2 which has 7 days downtime but great predictable results. yolomedspa.com

    • Sandra Oster wrote on :

      Thank you so much for your very helpful comments, Yolo med spa! This is the information I was looking for…someone who has tried the comparison between Ultherapy and Thermage because they are extremely expensive and seem so attractive because they are so non-invasive. I am not familiar with Mixto Fractionated CO2 which I assume is laser of some sort…how long does that last and how expensive?

    • Debra Jaliman MD wrote on :

      Did you have the old thermage or the new thermage cpt. The old thermage did not work and we didn’t use it in our practice. The new one is very effective

    • Debra Jaliman MD wrote on :

      Sandy you can go on my website and see before and afters. We have done hundreds of patients that are very happy. It made a major change in my face. The only people it doesn’t work well on are smokers

  10. Debra Jaliman MD wrote on :

    One of my favorite treatments to tighten the face and neck is Thermage CPT. It is a radiofrequency treatment that makes you look at least 10 years younger. atients see tightening up to 10%, while maximum tightening is achieved in 6 months. It is a safe and effective way to achieve skin tightening and contouring. The best part is that there is no downtime! Check out our website http://www.drjaliman.com/thermage.html.

    • Sandra Oster wrote on :

      Thank Debra, can you give me an idea of the cost? Also, can you do “parts” of your face and neck if the cost to do your entire face and neck becomes prohibitive? Do you have any redness or discolor when you leave the office or for a few days? Have you heard of Ultherapy?

    • Debra Jaliman MD wrote on :

      You can do just eyes about 2500, just neck or lower face. It is expensive but in my opinion worth every penny as it really lasts. It doesn’t turn the skin red at all.

    • Debra Jaliman MD wrote on :

      Ulthera is a tightening technology thatnuses ultrasound. I prefer thermal as it lasts longer in my opinion. But they both tighten skin.

    • Rita Snipes wrote on :

      Look at the ROC line of Correxion – I started using it about 2 weeks ago and I’m seeing a difference. I can’t afford the treatments, botox, laser …..” I AM getting a really good result from ROC. Worth my money! Hope this helps.

    • sassylassy62 wrote on :

      thanks for the recommendation,2500.00 …sure can’t afford that now,money is tight,I’m going to purchase the roc line Correxion and see how it works

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