
Am I losing it? This is driving me crazy. I used to be really good about remembering little things and now I find that I am day dreaming and fading off in conversations. Any suggestions for memory?

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0 Answers

  1. Staness Jonekos wrote on :

    Per the North American Menopause Society: Memory and other cognitive (mental) abilities change throughout life. Aging is associated with a trend of declining performance. There is no firm evidence that memory or other cognitive skills actually decline because of natural menopause. However, difficulty remembering and concentrating are common complaints during perimenopause and the years right after menopause.

    The role of hormone therapy is unclear, even though levels of ovarian hormones affect brain function. The evidence is insufficient to prove a cognitive risk or benefit of hormone therapy started during perimenopause or early postmenopause.

    Women sometimes use nonprescription remedies in an effort to improve memory and other cognitive skills. Supplements containing the botanical ginkgo have been shown to have
    no effect on memory, at least after age 60. The effectiveness of most other products is not proven. More research is needed before any supplement can be recommended for this purpose. Women who are concerned about declining cognitive performance are advised to consult with their healthcare provider.

    Although studies are lacking to prove the association, sleep disturbances and hot flashes may contribute to these symptoms, as well as dealing with various midlife stressors.

    Remaining physically, socially, and mentally active may help prevent memory loss.

    Like exercises for the body, exercises for the mind are most effective when done on a regular basis.

    For today’s mental workout, take our quiz and see how much you know!


    Women who are concerned about declining cognitive performance are advised to consult with their healthcare provider.

    And if memory concerns are not actually the issue with you, perhaps the people you are “fading off in conversation” aren’t very interesting 😉

    Thank you for writing, memory concerns is an important topic.

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