
best airline? Least chance of them losing your luggage?

0 Answers

  1. Marcia Miller wrote on :

    I agree with Travelbydesign. Best advice
    1-Be sure to checkin with plenty of time. Last minute checkins may not make it onto your flight.
    2-Carry on your luggage.
    3-Cross pack with a friend so you carry some of her stuff and she yours. If one gets lost at least not all is lost.
    4-Confirm the bag is tagged to the proper destination.
    5-Take a photo of the bag in case it is lost
    6-Be sure your bag contains your itinerary.
    7-Use a good luggage tag with proper information for connecting you with your bag. Cell phone number would be most helpful.

    Hope this helps. Have a great trip whatever carrier you choose.

  2. Travelbydesign wrote on :

    you take the same chance with all of the domestics

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