What would you suggest to eat to lose weight. I have tried everythng and nothing works. I need a specific plan designed to my metabolism and i have no idea what that plan is. Can you help?

What would you suggest to eat to lose weight. I have tried everythng and nothing works. I need a specific plan designed to my metabolism and i have no idea what that plan is. Can you help?
0 Answers
Nancy Ortiz wrote on :
Go see a Registered Dietitian to analyze your diet. Check out the Mediterranean diet, Volumetrics books or download DASH diet:
Marilyn Montague wrote on :
Thank you for the suggestions. I appreciate it!
rosie battista wrote on :
In general, if you eat a pure and “naked” diet, you can achieve a natural weight, however, every body is different so you would need to look at what processed and refined foods you are eating. That would be a great start. If you would like to get some ideas of recipes that you can start to eat for a healthier diet, check out http://www.cookingnakedafter40.com. If you would like personal help you can connect with me there.
Marilyn Montague wrote on :
Thank you so much for the reply Rosie.
rosie battista wrote on :
You are very welcome!