
What’s the best way to start a new nutrition routine and stick to it? I’m always on the good habits/bad habits merry-go-round and can’t seem to find a way to keep things going well/satisfy my cravings, etc. Suggestions?

0 Answers

  1. rosie battista wrote on :

    Accountability and knowledge are key. At http://www.sleepingnakedafter40.com, I help my clients by teaching them the proper way to eat as well as the proper things to eat. They love the accountability to keep them motivated and inspired to do the work necessary to get the body and health you desire.

  2. Renee Robinson wrote on :

    I recommend you go slowly….change takes time. I would introduce new, healthier foods during one of your meals. The more you begin to like these foods, the more your body will begin to crave them. Try to substitute sweets for healthy sugars like yogurt with fruit; fruit bars, etc.

  3. CatEbeling wrote on :

    Yes. There are some good basic rules to stick to, and you should not have cravings if you follow these.
    Avoid grains and sugar. That means avoid breads, bagels, pasta, crackers etc. They only make you hungrier, cause inflammation (you could actually be gluten intolerant as well), and they add weight. They also cause the blood sugar to go up (then you store calories as fat), and when blood sugar goes down, you get ‘the munchies’ and are hungry again.
    Eat REAL food. That means unprocessed foods like whole fruit, fresh veggies, nuts, and healthy proteins like organic eggs, naturally raised meat, and unprocessed cheeses.
    When faced with the choice of a healthier high calorie food or a processed, low calorie food, choose the real food every time. Eat nutrient dense foods in their natural state as often as possible.
    And, have ONE cheat day a week, so you can eat some of those foods that arent as healthy. You will soon find that you dont care for the junk foods as much.
    Hope that helps!
    Cat Ebeling RN BSN
    Author The Fat Burning Kitchen

  4. Shirley Farley wrote on :

    Hi Jef610…I’m a nutritionist and would be happy to help you but I need more information. Each of us is biochemically unique. 1. Is your nutrition routine to lose weight or gain health? 2. Are your cravings salt/fat or sweets? 3. What time of day are you the hungriest? 4. How much caffeine in your diet (coffee, tea, sodas)? 5, Do you get any exercise at all? The merry-go-round effect is a common problem. And the primary failing of new diets and routines is that one size does NOT fit all. With just a bit more information a good nutritionist can give you some tools to help you achieve your goals.

  5. Nancy Ortiz wrote on :

    I usually have my clients start with one change, my favorite being add 7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables to the eating plan (less room for other less healthy foods 🙂 Use a calendar for a check off to be sure to achieve that. http://www.thefrugaldietitian.com

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