Hi! Any ideas how I can use social media? My product, The Ah Ring® received tons of traditional press (Oprah mag, NY Times, Harper’s Bazaar, etc) awhile back and now trying to re-start the buzz. I tweet and use Facebook–but need to drive sales to my site www.divinediamonds.com in new ways..thanks!

0 Answers
Casafina wrote on :
I just did a sear on AH ring on interest and found 9 posts with several having repins. I searched by your company and saw a few pins but no interest account. After looking further at your product line it’s specific “ah” ring so I would target more of those who embrace this type of living. “I’m single and I’m happy clap your hands” I also noticed thT there are just a few products so maybe revamping your look website to streamline may draw a different audience. Just saying! Good luck
ruta fox wrote on :
thanks..so much.. but not sure what “revamping your look website to streamline” means… can you explain
Casafina wrote on :
I agree with the other posts that mention Pinterest as you said news is news once but being repined over and over creates the buzz. You also need to catch up and get with compatible bloggers both fashion and jewelry and you can find thousands on bloglovin. It’s the younger gals who have really been able to take off with this biz plan. Track some down you you think represent your product and send them some product for placement. I have been tracking this for several months and can’t believe how quickly and mainstream is process has become over traditional print advert
ruta fox wrote on :
good idea..however, to send each blogger a $350.00 diamond ring is not in my budget…I am running a contest now with some single women bloggers and I will give away ONE Ah Ring…
EmpowerDames wrote on :
Ruta, what was your strategy to get the media hits?
ruta fox wrote on :
2001, there was a different media landscape..I hired a PR agency and we “killed” it with our outreach…I had a background in editorial, PR, marketing and branding, so that helped alot…but things are all changed now. Thanks for the ideas, I am doing a contest right now with single bloggers… Great ideas, thanks so much!
EmpowerDames wrote on :
Thanks for your question Ruta and I love your website..and the jewelry! You may have already tried these ideas..but I will share what I think:
1) Have you tried Pinterest? New quasi-social platform that is right up your alley..and the greater targets are retail, products and recipes or food related. Creating an account with your jewelry and viewers “pin” your site to their board and other’s repin from theirs…like bookmarking but in your face on a board in a drop down file. I took a great little course on the whats and important know how it was worth the price..Power of Pinning Good webinar..good training package http://ow.ly/aqPQ9 (even tho I don’t have it all done myself yet..I just took the class)
2) Maybe try a contest/or an online hunt….with a good prize…or a series of contests that each earn credit towards a buying a piece of jewelry at a lower of free price…..the idea is to get them to and browse your site, bookmark it and return several times…you determine the giveaway..and there are many contest sites on social media (facebook, twitter) you can post it…not to mention Pinterest. You can keep it classy if you are creative
3) have you tried hosting a local meetup? (Meetup.com) or find target groups that are great customers (fashinistas, beauty etc) that have a meetup in your area….attend and stir up some interest there to drive traffic to your website too.
4) my best for last…establish an affiliate program…kind of like a home party on line. Go to shareasale.com or clickbank.com, establish an account..offer a product and offer pay for click or per sale, follow thwir directions. When someone signs up to be an affiliate, they will give them codes to use on their websites or emails to offer commissions whenever someone either clicks on it or buys from it. They keep track, pay out the commissions for you and you make more money by having others market your product. Then offer an affiliate program on your website, in your social media….most everything you see on many many pages are linked to a pay for click to someone or sale.
It’s a good thing. 🙂
Hope this helps and will look forward to your continued success!
Very sincerely,
Lorraine Allen
@empowerdames twitter
Pinterest.com/empowerdames (a work in progress)
MaryBenson wrote on :
Here are free things you can do: Do you have a Facebook fan page? Posting photos of women wearing your Ah ring, perhaps? My friend who sells a lot through her FB page tells me that she posts info about her offerings on the pages of friends who have 100 friends, themselves. How about a Pinterest page with photos of women wearing your ring? I like this person’s ideas to jump start my Tweets: http://www.commscorner.com/2010/09/40-useful-things-you-can-share-on.html to find more to tweet about. I also follow the guy at SEOMOZ.org; he has a good post on driving traffic to your site: http://www.seomoz.org/blog/10-remarkably-effective-strategies-for-driving-traffic. And don’t forget about guest blogging on sites where your customers are already reading; here is a good reference for being a guest blogger: http://www.copyblogger.com/guest-blogging-tactics/.
If you have an advertising budget: you can try targeted ads at adbuyer.com and Facebook. I have found that FB can drain a lot of money really quickly (as does Google adwords), though. When I have run Facebook ads for my market (women over 50 who have a little incontinence when the laugh, sneeze, etc.), I was amazed to discover that all of the activity was coming from women playing Farmville!
Once people are on your site, a way to ask for their input through a free service is through http://www.kissinsights.com.
From the big picture, though, do you have a path your potential customers will follow once they get to your site, from initial inquiry to actually buying? Is there a way to capture their email addresses so you can contact them and develop a relationship with them? I notice on your Celebrities page that all of the celebs are featured on the one page, with none of the photos. . .how about tweeting a link to the photos of celebs wearing your jewelry, with a page for each photo on your site?
You asked about using social media, and I went astray from that. I find it difficult to separate social media from a larger picture of driving traffic and developing a sales funnel. But I hope this helped in some way.
ruta fox wrote on :
Thanks, Yes I tried google adwords and facebook ads before. I have a promo running now with some bloggers who blog about being single..and I do have a facebook fan page too. I’ll check out the other suggestions.. thanks again.
MaryBenson wrote on :
I will ask my friend who sells through Facebook for her other strategies beyond posting on the pages of friends who have 1000 friends themselves. This may take a few days–and I have been meaning to ask her, myself!
MaryBenson wrote on :
And P.S.–you did a remarkable job getting your jewelry featured in the mainstream media! Congratulations!
ruta fox wrote on :
Yes, Mary I have had over 200 media hits, including radio, TV, internet and print..
ruta fox wrote on :
Great, all appreciated.
ruta fox wrote on :
I would love to get in touch with a company that could purchase The Ah Ring for a prize promotion, reward, recognition, etc for their employees…
ruta fox wrote on :
FYI, it is next to impossible to get photos of celebs wearing your product, as they are deluged with stuff!
MaryBenson wrote on :
Is it crazy to give the ring to a company that would use it as a prize and get you free media buzz?
ruta fox wrote on :
No not crazy at all… have done many contests like that! Did several promotions with Sony Pictures for movies.
ruta fox wrote on :
seomoz link not working..thanks…
MaryBenson wrote on :
I must have copied it wrong–when I click on the link in the article, I cannot get it to work, either! Here is a better try (maybe it was the “.” at the end of the sentence that screwed it up): http://www.seomoz.org/blog/10-remarkably-effective-strategies-for-driving-traffic
ruta fox wrote on :
A little confusing for me.. but thanks so much.
MaryBenson wrote on :
#3 is the one that seems most suited to your question–using social media’s other sites to send traffic to yours. 🙂 I can’t help but notice that you are very good at getting buzz–can you re-do what you did before, with a new slant?
ruta fox wrote on :
Having been a magazine editor myself, and freelance writer, and also a PR person, news is news only once…!
MaryBenson wrote on :
Well darn. There is that (news is only news once).
ruta fox wrote on :
So traditional magazines that covered it won’t cover it again, that is why I need to think of alternative media outlets….
lswart wrote on :
I am not affiliated with this company but find their tutorials to be pragmatic, cheap and helpful, try this one on social media: