I need an eye cream to help tighten up my extra upper eyelid skin! Why are all the eye creams advertised for “wrinkles” and “dark circles” only? I have neither of those problems, but do have the excess upper eye skin. What product works best for that issue? I’m not quite ready for an eyelift.

0 Answers
Marla5115 wrote on :
Excess skin on upper eyelids is very difficult and I really don’t know any product that does a great job at tightening up that area. I worked with plastic surgeons for over 20 yrs and an upper blepharoplasty would be one of the best ways to get rid of that excess skin.
Geri Brin wrote on :
Topical solutions can do just so much, whether it’s for wrinkles or dark circles. An eye lift is the only thing to solve the problem of excess skin on the upper eye lid. There is a product called Victoria McGill EyeDefining Contour Strips that temporarily reduce the appearance of dropping upper eyelids. I have samples from the manufacturer since we did a promotion with it, which I’d be happy to send you. Send your address to my email geribrinfof@gmail.com if you’d like to try them.
Maria Comfort wrote on :
Hi Kimberly,
I’ve seen this problem a number of times, and sometimes with clients who are in their early thirties.
BioJouvance (www.biojouvance.com) has an eye cream which is very effective, but experience has shown that the use of an ultra sonic or micro-current machine is most effective in this area. In both cases, the lift is temporary unless done often enough for the body to retain the memory of the lift. Then maintenance is still required at least on a monthly basis.
With the machines, the contours and muscle patterns are followed. This can be done two or three times a week, initially, and then gradually moved to two and then once a week, then every other week, and finally monthly.
Without surgery, this has been the most effective method I have found.
There are many eye creams and serums available on the market, however, these products can seldom actually lift, but the moisture they offer is paramount to keeping your eyes looking bright and healthy.
Good luck to you.
Maria Comfort
kimberlyirby@ymail.com wrote on :
Thanks, Maria! I am going to research those BioJouvance treatments as soon as possible. Thanks so much to all of you who are answering my questions. It is so nice to hear from gals my age who are so knowledgeable.
Nancy Norris wrote on :
If I told you that by using an eyecream,your wrinkle would go away,I would be telling you a whopper! However, there is one eye cream made for putting around the orbital bone, that is to pat it directly on the bone surrounding the eye,,all around(make a circle).The product is called eyelid cream acyl glutithione by Dr.Perricone. It’s a bit costly.I’ve found that it does work on that area though.You will not see dramatic changes For that,you must have an eyebrow lift.
The cream will smooth it out a bit.
kimberlyirby@ymail.com wrote on :
Thanks, Bunnie! I wondered if anyone would suggest Dr. Perricone. I have used other products by him, but was unsure if it was worth the exorbitant price. I don’t need much lift YET! lol. That will come I am sure. 🙂
linda caricofe wrote on :
As we age, the upper eye area will drop, some refer to this as hooded eyes.
I once used Avon products, however, I now only use StriVectin products…you can find the site on line.
It is well worth the price.
I copied and pasted the eye serum info:
â Tightens and visibly lifts the eye area
â Improves firmness for more defined eyelids
â Smoothes and reduces crepiness
Thanks to Strivectin products, my face really does look so much better. This past year I was considering a face lift, however, now, I am content with the results from this product line and will wait a few more years for that option.
The serum for the eye area is for the entire eye area…also,they have a fabulous neck tightening cream that is the best I have come across ever, not only for the neck, but for my jawline.
Best wishes, Linda
kimberlyirby@ymail.com wrote on :
Thanks, Linda! I actually have been debating whether to try Strivectin or not. Now, I may try it before I seek something more expensive such as Botox, surgery, etc. I would rather apply a creme than have a substance injected into my skin unless the creme does not work. 😉 Then, I might try the Botox tx that Dr. Krant suggested above. Thank you again, and thanks to all other posters!
Darrellyn Darrellyn wrote on :
Hi Kimberly, I recommend Mary Kay Volu-firm Eye Renewal Cream. While it will target deep
Lines, dark circles, sagging, bags, it is wonderful for upper eyelid drooping.
Still Blonde after all these YEARS wrote on :
Hi Kimberly,
One product that I have that helps “a little” is Skin Authority’s Dramatic eyelift. ( I am a Skin Authority ambassador so I try all their products).
Another product that I have seen work but that doesn’t work on me (at all) is “Bring it up” Brow Lift ( https://www.bringitup.com/comersus/store/comersus_viewItem.asp?idProduct=8) It’s kind of a tape device. Here’s a video with the inventor showing it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quAYPw1Dia8 It did not work at all for me, they tape came undone.
Laura Borud wrote on :
I tried these and while they worked great the tape showed under my eye make up. Too bad.
Jessica Krant, M.D. (Derm) wrote on :
The reason that there are no eye creams advertised to tighten upper lid skin is that there are no creams that can really do that, unfortunately. Even the creams advertised to work on dark circles and under eye wrinkles don’t do a great job in reality. Extra upper eyelid skin is usually caused by a lowered brow line that can come with age. If you can get the brows up, it usually improves the situation. There are only two ways to do that. One is with a surgical forehead lift (plastic surgery), and the other is with a “Botox brow lift”, (or Dysport), which can help to keep a natural look while getting the brows up a little bit. Short of raising the brows themselves, you may also need an upper lid blepharoplasty, which is surgery to trim a tiny sliver of the extra skin out of the lid. If you get any surgery at all though, make sure you go only to a very reputable plastic surgeon, facial plastic surgeon, or oculoplastic surgeon, the only three types of doctors that should be doing that surgery on you. For Botox or Dysport treatments, an experienced dermatologist would be the right choice. Good luck!
Dr. Krant
kimberlyirby@ymail.com wrote on :
Thank you all, esp. Dr Krant. I was unaware that there was a Botox tx for that, and am most thankful for your informative reply. I don’t think surgery is needed quite yet, perhaps when I turn 60. It is not a large excess of skin, and bad allergy days make it much worse. That is why I was hoping for a surgical alternative. I will go to a dermatologist, and ask for a consult! Thanks to each poster for all your wonderful help!
glamor girl 50 wrote on :
I dont beleive there is any eye cream that will lift the upper eye lid skin.Botox is great to lift the brow giving the area a lifted look.I would not spend any money on an eye cream making any claimes of lifting.
Deborah S wrote on :
You need AVON ANEW CLINICAL Eye Lift PRO Dual Eye System. You will see a tighter eyelid in a very short time. No surgery required! I once went on a trip for several weeks and forgot to pack it. I won’t do that again!
You can go to my website and read the reviews.
Debbie S.
casavon wrote on :
There could be a medical reason for the excess skin on your eyelids. Sometimes it’s hereditary and could be fixed-not as a cosmetic repair but one that is deemed to be a medical issue.
In the meantime, you can try Avon’s Eye Lift. There are two parts-one is a gel for your eyelid area and another one for under your eye. This could help you a LOT!!
Good luck!