I am just wondering exactly what this site is about. Do you have to have a kid or can someone look for themselves? I’m only 25 and have had a rough patch with men so please let me know.
I am just wondering exactly what this site is about. Do you have to have a kid or can someone look for themselves? I’m only 25 and have had a rough patch with men so please let me know.
0 Answers
Charley wrote on :
My name is Charlotte. I’m the Art Director for FabOverFifty. Geri Brin, the founder of this site, originally set up Date My Single Kid as a way for mothers to get together and set up their children.
You can most certainly browse the site for yourself. Just be advised that if you find someone that you might like to get to know, when you message that person, you’ll be messaging their mother.
It’s totally worth a shot though and I wish you luck and I just know that soon you will find someone special, even if it isn’t through DMSK!!
avonlady wrote on :
Sounding like arranged marriages!!
Charley wrote on :
Quite the contrary, avonlady!
Here’s a link to an interview that Geri, this site’s founder, did around the time when Date My Single Kid first launched in 2010. I’m including it so that you can read, in her own words, what DMSK is all about and what compelled her to start it.
Thanks for the input!!