When I use a facial scrub or wash cloth I end up with red irritated skin. I’m tired of clogged pores and dry patches. I want to try a Clarisonic or similar product, 1) will a brush of this type irritate my skin and 2) Is there a difference in the products besides price?

0 Answers
suzi51 wrote on :
Baking soda mixed with a small amount of water is an excellent scrub and inexpensive. As for clarisonic I have one and really like. I have used others and don’t find they do the job as well.
Laura Borud wrote on :
Thank you everyone for the advise, I impulsively ran up to the store and picked up a cheap model, I figured for $30 I could give it a shot. First use I was quite impressed, my skin is smooth and not rashy. I still want to try the Clarisonic, maybe someday…
Maria Comfort wrote on :
Hi Laura,
It sounds like your skin is super sensitive. However, you can also check your pH and see if perhaps you are more acidic and it is affecting your skin. You may want to try an antacid about 20 minutes before you do your scrub and see if you still manage to get so red. If you do not, then a change to a more alkaline diet is suggested. On the other hand, if you still manage to get as red, you will need to be more gentle with your skin.
Before you buy the Clarisonic (a machine I love,) you may want to invest a couple of dollars on a baby brush. Apply your cleanser, and using circular motions you can brush away dead skin and perform a deep cleansing. See how your skin reacts to this before you invest in a more expensive ultra-sonic brush.
The Clarisonic brush is an ultra-sonic brush which works to stimulate the skin, and encourage the body’s production of collagen. It needs water or a water-based product to do its job efficiently. There are other brushes also on the market, but I don’t know of any that have the ultra-sound benefits.
Good luck in your endeavors.
Maria Comfort
mkflaa@hotmail.com wrote on :
Hi Laura,
The clarisonic is a great product to help exfoliate and stimulate our skin so that we can keep our youthful glow. I have tried a couple of knock brands and gone back to using the Clarisonic because the others just aren’t as good.
I use the Clarisonic for highly reactive skin that’s prone to redness and irritation because I have rosacea. Any one of these models works – Clarisonic Aria, Mia, Mia 2, Classic, PLUS, and PRO are extra gentle for sensitve skin.
I also recommend using the right skin care for your skin type. Often times skin care products will state if they are for sensitive skin or not, but when reading labels, look for “skin friendly” products that contain only a few ingrediants and have little or no fragrance. Avoid products containing antibacterial or deodorant, alcohol, or retinoids or alpha-hydroxy acids as they tend to irritate skin.
I always recommend when trying a new product, unless you have an immediate reaction, you try it for 30 days so you can give the product time to do what it is suppose to do. And, once you find a product that works, don’t jump around from product to product. Especially if you have sensitive skin.
I hope this helps. Best, Mary
Nancy Norris wrote on :
Dear L,I would go with the tried Clarisonic only because I know it works.Also get the one with the “for sensitive skin” brush heads you do need this tender treatment on your delicate skin.Remember to wash with a calming cleanser also.Fresh makes a good one called Soy cleanser.Philosophy has one called Purity.I love these because they also provide a sting-free way to remove stubborn eye makeup so no reason to buy more than one cleanser.
traceybrown wrote on :
Hi there,
I would suggest that you try a very gentle exfoliant for starters. You do not need to use a harsh scrub or a wash cloth for desired results. If you have sensitive or thin skin, you should take baby steps here. Without out physically examining your skin, I would only suggest “safe” measure for you.
Some gentle exfoliants:
I am in absolute LOVE with the products from Arcona. They are gently yet effective and do not contain harsh ingredients. Additionally, they come in a handy jar of pads that you simply swipe on your face. They also have an enzyme exfoliant that you only use once a week that works beautifully.
Their spa in LA is a favorite of celebs (I was invited for their red carpet treatment) and you get great results without downtime for your skin.\
Jurlique is another natural brand that is fantastic for sensitive skin.
Check out their exfoliants for sensitive skin here:
Hope that helps!
Still Blonde after all these YEARS wrote on :
I have the kind of skin (and always have that is ultra sensitive). When you try on a bathing suit and you get welts from the rubbing of the fabics? Yeah, that’s my skin.
Before menopause I only washed my face with water and washcloth. Never a problem. After Menopause, (and using Mineral Makeup) that didn’t work anymore because the Mineral Makeup clogged my pores and also I got rosacea.
So I would advise a trip to the Dermatologist to check and see if you have rosacea (because washing your face def. irritates that). Also, I wouln’t use a CLarisonic ever..even of the gentlest setting I believe it would irritate my skin (the rubbing). Instead I use Daily Cleaner by Skin Authority and it gets the makeup out of my pores. I only use a little and I rub very lightly. (PS. I am an ambassador for Skin Authority..the reason being that its the only product I ever found that worked. ) http://www.skinauthority.com/Daily-Cleanser
Loraine Alcorn wrote on :
I use the clarisonic plus its very good and they do have a scruber for sensitive skin there is a huge difference in kinds I once had a DDF and it did not do as well as the clarisonic