What would be the procedure of getting breast implants if you already have big breasts?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Sam Sukkar wrote on :

    That is a very common questions women ask. You will need to have a consultation with your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to ensure you get a recommendation that is in line with your goals and expectations for your post op result. Some patients will need to have a Circumvertical Lift (breast lift) in conjunction with a Breast implant to ensure the breast looks the most youthful. Other patients are great candidates for a straight forward Breast Augmentation if their breast tissues are in the appropriate position.

    I would love for you to speak to one of my Patient Care Coordinators to discuss his specific needs. You may contact my office at (281)990-8487 and you may also visit my website at .

    All the best!
    Sam M. Sukkar, MD, FACS

  2. Dr. James Boynton wrote on :

    I recommend you consult with a board certified plastic surgeon (or several) that can discuss your specific goals with you. If you have larger breasts, many times the solution is to do a breast lift either by itself or sometimes in conjunction with a smaller breast implant in order to add upper pole fullness. I hope this helps!

  3. Dr. Constance Barone wrote on :

    Contact a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to discuss implant types and sizes. She may also discuss different surgical approaches with you so that you may achieve your desired result.

  4. Dr. O'Neil Engeron wrote on :

    The procedure is the same, varying slightly, depending on the size. Patients with large breasts frequently have ptosis (breast which sag due to excessive skin). If this is present, a mastopexy (breast lift) may also be required.
    O’Neil Engeron, M.D.

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