“In my over two decades of experience in this field, I am finding that my patients don’t want to age like their grandparents. They expect to live longer, and in doing so they want to remain active mentally, intellectually, and physically, long after the so-called ‘retirement years.’ They say “60 is the new 40?, yet looking in the mirror does not reflect the person inside. That being the case, they desire to look as best as they can, because looking good makes one feel good and feeling good makes one look good.”
—Dr. Gus Galante, Board Certified ASPS Plastic Surgeon in Schererville, Indiana
FabOverfifty.com has created a section focusing on Plastic Surgery, not because we’re recommending that every woman over 50 run to a surgeon the moment she detects a fine line, wrinkle or slight puffiness under her eyes, but to introduce FOFs to the world of options available to them in this arena—and to leading doctors in the across the country. That means board certified ASPS plastic surgeons, the only ones to trust with making our faces and bodies look the best they can.
To get started, ask a plastic surgeon a question about something that’s on your mind and one of the more than 200 doctors currently on board will get back to you with an answer. Our Ask a Plastic Surgeon tool—at the right—is easy to use.
You all won’t be able to connect with doctors in your area until more of them sign on from coast to coast, but the ones already here are wonderful and can answer any question at all.
Does your left eyebrow suddenly look lower than your right? Are your once perky little breasts a little less perky and a not so little anymore? And is that a jowl you see popping up next to your cute little chin? Just ask a plastic surgeon!
Don’t be shy. Ask away.
Read why Geri changed her mind about
having plastic surgery here.