My husband’s upper eye lids are sagging to the point that I cannot see his eye lashes. I am hoping to find one of the best surgeons to help him with this. Can we have some help with this?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Sam Sukkar wrote on :

    This is a very common problem for women and men both as we age and gravity comes in to play.
    Your husband sounds like an excellent candidate for an Upper Blepharoplasty. I usually perform this procedure under Local Anesthesia, where he will be awake and the area is locally numbed. He can expect some swelling and minor bruising to the area for about 10-14 days post op.

    You want to ensure that the surgeon you select is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon like myself. I, myself, have been performing Plastic Surgery for over 14 years and complete several hundred facial rejuvenation procedure per year.

    I would love for you to speak to one of my Patient Care Coordinators to discuss his specific needs. You may contact my office at (281)990-8487.

    All the best!
    Sam M. Sukkar, MD, FACS

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