Select one of the options below.
That’s because we’ve turned a section of the site over to you, where you can introduce yourself and your product or service, link to your website and provide other contact information.
And it won’t cost you a penny.
Here’s what you’ll need
to do to participate
Look to the right of this blog (at the top of the page) and you’ll see a spot to ‘Submit Your Seller Profile’. Enter all the relevant information, as directed. All material submitted is subject to editing by the FabOverFifty team. The public publishing of profiles is at the discretion of FabOverFifty. A few tips:
- You only have 1000 characters to sell yourself and your business, so make sure each word counts!
- Make sure to include “http://” at the beginning of your website so your link works properly.
- The ‘Logo or Photo’ is a small thumbnail, so we recommend submitting a square image, such as a logo.
Go build your seller
profile now!
(Remember, it’s free!)
(The profile form is at the top right of this screen.)
To see a sample profile, click here.
Questions: Call Geri (917) 846-9359
or Alex (212) 717-6380