This post is sponsored by Syneron-Candela, the makers of UltraShape.
Have you been battling a “muffin top” the last few years that you just can’t eliminate or reduce, no matter how much you exercise or how wisely you eat?
A new non-invasive treatment that’s quick and painless, could help you whittle your middle.

Unlike other fat-reduction treatments that reduce fat using heat or freezing technologies, FDA-cleared UltraShape uses painless pulsed ultrasound waves to break the fragile walls of fat cells below the skin, which then allows the body to eliminate the fat through natural processes. UltraShape’s gentle focused UltraSound destroys those fat cells while keeping surrounding tissue, muscle, nerves and blood vessels intact.
What’s more, the treatment doesn’t require anesthetics and or leave lumps, bumps or bruises like other fat reduction treatments do.

UltraShape can target specific trouble spots in the abdominal area, such as love handles or that little tummy bulge, and it destroys fat cells immediately. Results are smooth without lumps or uneven areas of the skin.
A slimmed-down look can be achieved in as little as two weeks, significantly faster than other fat-reduction technologies. UltraShape generates an average fat reduction of up to 2.5 inches.
The full procedure requires three 45-minute sessions, spaced two weeks apart. They even can be done on your lunch break, since there’s no downtime.