charlottephillips09 SAID:

What can I do to prevent wrinkles around the mouth?

On: November 29, 2012
To doctors from: GA

0 Answers

  1. Dr. James Leake wrote on :

    wrinkles around the mouth will always be present. we can only lessen them in appearance. choices would include filler compounds (probably the most common), chemical peels, or laser treatments. infrequently, botox is used. the main key here, is maintenance therapy. you can not just have one treatment to solve this problem. it will make a nice improvement after one treatment, but for best long term results patients need to repeat these treatments on a regular basis (depending on which treatment you choose, it might be every 6 months or every other year). other skin care will also improve and augment your result. Dr. Leake, Marietta, GA

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