Rozzie68 SAID:

Hi, I”m 70, had 3 back surgeries — my orthopedist has recommended a breast reduction for improving posture and the way I walk — I’m 42 DDD. I have some fear about this. What do you think?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Kevin Tehrani wrote on :

    You may very well benefit from breast reduction surgery. Since you have had other back surgeries under anesthesia you likely do well after breast reduction procedure as well. So as long as you’re in general good health and having undergone proper medical clearance this is a safe procedure which is performed as an outpatient basis.

  2. Dr. Gustavo Galante wrote on :

    Breast reduction surgery has been shown to alleviate most symptoms associated with large, heavy breasts including back, shoulder, and neck pain. Back pain has many causes, and it may or may not be related to your breast size. Cup size does not always correlate with weight of the tissue removed. Good posture is always something to strive for, but when contemplating such a major procedure as a breast reduction, it is best to seek consutation from a board certified plastic surgeon to advise you. Hope this helps.

  3. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    Get an in person consultation from a board certified plastic surgeon. Age is only one factor, your general health is the most important. You may very well be a good candidate for a breast reduction.

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