Hi, I am 51 and have a sun spot to the right of my chin. People have commented that I should get it checked out. And I have just noticed a second one that popped up on my right check. They are about the size of my thumb nail – huge and ugly. Two questions: can they become cancerous? If I choose to have them removed, will I be left with big holes in my face? Thank you, Kim
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Dr. Gustavo Galante wrote on :
Thank for your question. The term “sun spot” is a catch all term for many pigmented skin lesions; it is not actually a diagnosis. Many of these are just benign (not cancerous) spots that are generally treated sufficiently by laser surgery. However, some can be classified as actual nevi (medical term for moles) which can turn premalignant or malignant. The best way to know is to have it evaluated by a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon as was recommended by your friends or family.