I had a neck/jowl lift three years ago when I was 54. All went well (I’m a fast healer) and I was happy with the results at first but, as time went by, two small areas on either side of my chin (near my jaw line) seemed to be ‘off’. My plastic surgeon (a reputable one), said that I was just being picky/ too particular and he thought all looked good. BUT, he did put filler in both areas to try and even the areas out…. still seems lumpy/droopy to me. To this day, I’m still not completely happy with the two small ‘pouches’ that mess up my smooth jaw line.
I am now 58, have not gained /lost a lot of weight and I’m aware that facial plastic surgery is not a forever fix… the aging process and gravity will always be around. So, is it unreasonable to tell my surgeon, ‘I want these two areas fixed. I want you to tighten up/even out, these two droopy/saggy areas/pockets (whatever).’ — or is it too soon after my original surgery (three years ago). Yes, I am particular but after paying $8,000 dollars for the neck/jowl area to be tightened up, I’m tired of hearing the plastic surgeon ‘pooh-pooh’ my 2-1/2 year frustration with what I perceive, as two speed bumps to the complete look of a sharp. clean jaw line.
Thank you for your time and input.
ps; I live in St. Louis, Missouri NOT Illinois as Missouri was NOT a choice given… hmmmm…..