Hi! I had breast implants done about 23 years ago. They are silicone. I have never had a problem with them. I had a mri during the silicone hey day and everything was fine. I had a mamograpphy 4 years ago and again fine. I was wondering if its possible that one of them has moved ? I feel it protruding into the space between both breasts. Can they shift? Or move? Could it be something more serious? Thanks Laura T.
0 Answers
Dr. Susan Kolb wrote on :
This is usually indicative of a rupture which can lead to more serious problems. Please see the information at http://www.thenakedtruthaboutbreastimplants.com. If your insurance does not exclude complications of cosmetic surgery, explantation may be covered but reimplantation usually is not.
Dr. Maria LoTempio wrote on :
Hi, Laura,
You have had these implants for quite some time and I would recommend you having them looked at. There are newer implants now, gel implants are a nice alternative if you need to have them replaced. Either way, I would have a surgeon evaluate you.
Good luck.
Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :
They usually do not move, but it sounds as if you should be examined by a plastic surgeon. In my experience, the older silicone implants ( which you have.) often need to be replaced. Even if they break, they do not cause serious health issues, just that after a long period of time, there may be issues that would be best dealt with by putting in the newer better implants.