Jessad SAID:

My eyelids are starting to droop, is there anything I can do other than hydrate them with moisturizer? I am 52 and starting to see facial changes.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. E. Musarra wrote on :

    Dear Jennifer,
    Drooping eye lids is such a common problem because it happens to all of us as we age.
    There is really no non-surgical treatment that will be of much, if any, success. Moisturisers
    can be of very little use. I have heard of using astringents. Another Ive heard of is galvanic
    current stimulation
    All of these might work for a few hours or possibly a couple of days.
    Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.
    Dr. Tony Musarra Marietta, Ga. 770 421 1242

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